The Drift of the Hour
There are people who talk about God, and there are people who know God. ~ Richard Rohr
Spiritual ambition does not wed the yearnings of a carnal soul. It is a humble aspirant, a singular purpose that brooks no competitors, nary one at all.
It is not effort but invitation that opens the human spirit to the possibility that God may sojourn with us. ~ Barbara Holmes
Spiritual ambition is by far the most difficult to reach for. It is in constant conflict, indeed at war with the enticements of the flesh. This is rarely understood by the brotherhood of man. Educated Christians and pagans alike think it strange when the spiritually ambitious withdraw to caves far away untouched by their floods of wisdom, and release the shackles of others' values.
Contemplation is a curse to the activist, as holiness is to the worldly. .
The spiritually ambitious pursue a virtue on feet shod with enduring leather that will not carry them away upon the drift of the hour.
Persistently these disciples lower and hide themselves. It becomes their daily hunger to live unseen. Their thirsts draw a new and cooler refreshment from the full wells of anonymity. (These wells are never emptied for so few seek to drink from their vast reserves.)
Married to humility, spiritual ambition is a virtue that fears acclaim.
Not one is anonymous before God, but the spiritually ambitious live to be unknown before men.
Choose and then celebrate invisibility for from this a stronghold is erected, and a planting into the richest of soils of eternity is dug.
The drift of the hour can carry or submerge no man who refuses to float upon it.
Friendship with the world is hatred towards God. (James 4:4a)
Today's Soul Snippet:
"There is always a path of righteousness to walk on any plain of pain." ~ Michael Cartwright
ENJOY too ~ The Mortar of Simplicity
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