The Business of Prayer

'Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.
'Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.
As we read the New Testament, we find a very simple, very plain, and very forceful truth: the Holy Spirit makes a difference! Consider the early disciples; Jesus Himself had...
The man brought me back to the entrance to the temple, and I saw water coming out from under the threshold of the temple toward the east (for the temple...
God had and has the habit of singling men out. For this purpose He uses anointing. It is His empowering and witness to His chosen ones.
Outward symptoms indicate an inner ill-health. Dry bones are proof positive of a long passed death anywhere under the Lord's sun.
What is now being lost to countless Christians? Could modern Christendom's greatest malaise be not listening to Jesus? (This was certainly an issue God had with Jesus' selected inner core - Peter,...
Aiden Wilson Tozer (1897-1963) was not a man backward in coming forward. He would retire to the Lord's presence but never retire from a challenge to the church.
A scantily clad soul cares little for others, save themselves. Mea culpa! Quite carelessly I wander through my days clothed in spiritual underwear.
Strong human spirits may well equate to proud human spirits, but even proud spirits will groan at their earthly limits. The human spirit of man is weak.
It is disturbing to me that God can be viewed by Christ's followers as a willing under-achiever. Countless generations prior to the invention of the printing press (c.
There is an impassioned plea to be made for the God who raises the dead, heals the sick and conquers evil - HE STILL DOES THIS! Yet too many Christians languish...
Has the healing of mortal bodies become inconvenient to God? Does He still repair the injured and heal the sick, for copious evidence would suggest that God does not? Many far more...
Where the bones are dry bones spiritual death is alive; sin is nigh.
Soul Snack 228/14 . . . Shepherds gather sheep. They search for the lost, bind up the wounded and heal the sick.
Soul Snack 193/14 . . . Christians are all apprentices in the arms of the Lord.
Soul Snack 157/14 . . . There is no field more unexplored in Christian experience and possibility than this limitless field of prayer. Prayer means care for souls.
Soul Snack 126/14 . . . Ponder the serpent in Eden. Pictorially it is often portrayed as coiled around a trunk and whispering to Eve.
Soul Snack 8/13 . . . The Breath of a Friend To be breathed upon is to be caressed (usually).
Soul Snack 198/12 . . . Clash of the Titans Does your flesh scream for your attention? The flesh does not accept the spirit.
Soul Snack 41/12 . . . The School of the Spirit A Holy Spirit holler. . .
Soul Snacks S9/12 . . . Tongues and Torture #The story is told of a persecuted Christian lady who was pregnant.
Soul Snack 190/11 . . . The Green TankPeering into the green water tank his eyes awakened to his own reflection.
Soul Snack 167/12 . . . The Spirit & the Scalpel It is upon the knees that the Holy Spirit of Christ conducts His soul surgery.
Soul Snack 7/13 . . . Ponds of Love God is the master landscape gardener. Across His garden of heaven are scattered countless glistening ponds.
Soul Snack 44/11 . . . Deep Sea Fishing Denizens of the deep describe an unseen sea life, rich in both obscurity and fascination.
Soul Snack 142/12 . . . Cracking Windows# Time-honored, people-controlling Jewish ritual was about to be lost.
Soul Snack 8/196 . . . The Human Fabric In 1968 Tiny Tim 'Tip Toed through the Tulips' in falsetto.