Pure & Faultless

Jesus was tempted in every way common to men. He was and still is the incarnation of right living.
Jesus was tempted in every way common to men. He was and still is the incarnation of right living.
Jesus died for relationship, not to continue ritual. No wonder Jesus threw the temple worship out.
From the very beginning of His ministry Jesus nailed His colors to the mast. In conversation with His cousin John the Baptist re His baptism Jesus explained . .
Countless, indeed infinite times God has 'visited' upon earth, His directions ride in all our hearts. Faithfulness is a compass for the heart. This is a deposit of God.
Jesus began His ministry in the same manner He would end - crying out for virtue. He was and still is, crying for a new world order.
Think of King David, the apostles Paul and Peter, flawed heroes of Scripture. Not always faithful, but today a witness to faithfulness.
He guides me in paths of righteousness for His names sake.
Time is insecure, but it is assured that 'God will bring the arrow of history to its bull's-eye'.
The earth's unattended problem with sin awakes the heavens. As in the days of Noah so too today.
Those who: would pursue righteousnesss. . . choose to discern good from evil. . .
2000 years ago Jesus 'exploded' onto the Galilean country-side. He began teaching the gathered multitudes, teaching not the 'law' or even 'theology', but 'virtue'.
Evil finds scant lodgings within a righteous man. This life long Christian trek was first squelched into desert sands. Many in history have gone before us, and succeeded.
Mankind was made good and righteous but man has gone in search of his own ways.
As Joshua wore armor, the Christian wears Christ's mantle of righteousness. The eyes of a Christian's heart have been enlightened, so too ancient Israel's.