Public (Im)morality#

There exists a timeless warning for those with ears to hear and eyes to see. Babylon constantly bombards Christians with various and prevailing distress.
There exists a timeless warning for those with ears to hear and eyes to see. Babylon constantly bombards Christians with various and prevailing distress.
“He changes times and seasons, deposes kings and sets up kings. ” (Daniel 2:21) These are days of wars and rumors of wars. Insecurity abounds.
All generations hurry into impurity. Entertainment through sin becomes their perpetual intent. Without discretion or prudence all men bolt to master the ways of the life-losing fool.
Enter the search for heaven's rule and foundations, you will surely discover 'righteousness'. This upright of heart will pursue. Righteousness is intentional, it is a discipline of self.
When we dig a bit into our lives, we may find that 'love' has been as much a delight as it has been a delinquent.
God's eyes beam down from heaven, and He smiles yet again. He rejoices in virtue.
God works in ways no man can imagine. (BUT - we all really know that anyway.
Love and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other. (Psalm 85:10) A kiss spells connection, an agreement in some polite, deceitful or deep manner.
I have loved you with an everlasting love, I have drawn you with a loving kindness.
It is terribly hard to juggle the loud and insistent voices around you, while you only hear quite whispers within you.
'Wicked' is an emotive word. It draws strong fire and venom when used in conversation. 'Wicked' is a word too many men shrink from. It is politically incorrect.
Guns are firing across marriage. Loaded shells explode into all its time-placed and Divinely written truths. The western world is dying from these wounds.
The moral core of planet earth has been eroded to almost extinction, its proper fabric is now shredded.
Gender muting is new. But it has been on the cards since 1978 and the worldwide assault for homosexual acceptability.
Since the monumental SCOTUS decision to permit same-sex marriage the western world has become awash with misaligned rainbow flags.
Soul Snack 104/13 . . . Homosexuality - the deadliest sin? ~ B(This SoulSnack is best read sequentially to yesterday's.
Soul Snack 86/13 . . . The Sexual Avenger ~ DThe struggle beyond marriageSatan's masquerade as light has blinded most who walk upon God's earth.
Soul Snack 85/13 . . . The Sexual Avenger ~ C". . . only the death of marriage can bring about the dawn of equality for all.
Soul Snack 84/13 . . . The Sexual Avenger ~ BSatan fully knows sex still sizzles; a poignant metaphor for he who will sizzle forever.
Soul Snack 101/11 . . . Impurity's Ashe cloudTo navigate life well it must begin with the difficult and diligent pursuit of purity.