Satan paints Jesus in his own colors!

Satan paints Jesus in his own colors. ~ Stephen Charnock Too often life feels as if someone has quietly and unknowingly tied your shoelaces together, then you step forward.
Satan paints Jesus in his own colors. ~ Stephen Charnock Too often life feels as if someone has quietly and unknowingly tied your shoelaces together, then you step forward.
Light knows no fellowship with darkness as righteousness shares no agreement with wickedness. Mankind abhors discrimination, for his heart is not trained in discernment.
Jesus said, "Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.
The Lord examines His disciples. He does not measure their abilities or inabilities, not even for a minute. Jesus scans the heart for a believer's availability.
Who is more likely to injure me, me or Jesus? The self-made man has no one to blame but himself. (Anon) Ourselves are the greatest snares to ourselves.
No true Christian carries a velvet cross. ~ John Flavel The pure and true knowledge of God is to convict a man to obedience.
The infinite depth of Jesus' righteousness is fully revealed in His cry - forgive them Father for they know not what they do As I tap away, worldwide it is reported...