Beggars @ the Throne of Grace

When a woman who had led a sinful life . . . learned that Jesus was eating at a Pharisee's house . . .
When a woman who had led a sinful life . . . learned that Jesus was eating at a Pharisee's house . . .
It is better to lose a lover than love a loser. ~ anon Dominique Voillaume lived, died and proved the opposite of the above bankrupt myth.
All generations hurry into impurity. Entertainment through sin becomes their perpetual intent. Without discretion or prudence all men bolt to master the ways of the life-losing fool.
When we dig a bit into our lives, we may find that 'love' has been as much a delight as it has been a delinquent.
I have loved you with an everlasting love, I have drawn you with a loving kindness.
God had and has the habit of singling men out. For this purpose He uses anointing. It is His empowering and witness to His chosen ones.
Is there a greater test upon the human mettle than honor? All mankind is tempted toward conceit - more so those who do not reckon with self, or hold great skills...
Just three days ago 'DA BOSS' inched lazily past me in his white muscle car. 'DA BOSS' license plates were his megaphone.
In 2012 cyclist Lance Armstrong (the doping cheat) sprinted not to fame, but to shame. His name is forever recorded in history as synonymous with shame.
Soul Snack 9/210 . . . Eternal fame! The astonishing greatness of a soul fully given over to Jesus honors heaven and favors earth.
Soul Snack S6 . . . Elusive Elitism The highly polished floorboards hardly groan. This lithe figure steps lightly.
Soul Snack 170/12 . . . Of Beauty & Bother She broke the jar and poured the perfume on His head . . . 'leave her alone,' Jesus said.