When guidance is opaque

I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my Heart. . .
I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my Heart. . .
Israel trekked a disobedient four decade lap of the Sinai Peninsula. They did not have to.
All have hunted for peace. Person after person have found peace is completely elusive in the long run.
I have not so great a struggle with my vices, great and numerous as they are, as I have with my impatience.
Ol' blue eyes, Frank Sinatra (1915-1998), was unusually gifted among men by God. But, in gifting there exists the mighty risk of pride and avarice.
At irregular intervals SoulSupply has written - Pursue influence and not affluence.
Beware the fading heart and the dulling life of devotion. Take note when the seasons of service become consigned to yesterday's adventure.
Noah was a righteousness man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God.
Thanatos is the Greek name for the the spirit of death. Its personification is the Grim Reaper. He reckons with your heart, so myth states, to gain your soul.
Imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.
It is right, indeed proper, for any Christian to seek the Lord's heart. This is Jesus' model. He did not act independent of His Father.
The foray into life is never of a newborn's will. The gift of life is not optional.
May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance. (2 Thessalonians 3:5) The knowledge of God is to lead to obedience, there exists no second option.
Lot's wife chanced a glance backwards as the family fled Sodom's destruction. She disobeyed the Lord's instruction, and became a pillar of salt.
"Thy LORD maketh poor, and maketh rich: He bringeth low, and lifteth up. " (1 Samuel 2:7)All my changes come from Him who never changes.
The legacy I leave is far more important than the life I live. A rebel friend was inclined to quip I can always serve as a bad example.
In 1998 the British crime thriller Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels launched the careers of Vinnie Jones and Jason Statham to the world.
The truth these days is scrubbed out. Each day it is further tortured until it agrees to anything at all, and is thus comfortable for almost everyone.
General MacArthur and family 1950 General Douglas MacArthur was a father of prayer. He and his wife Jean only had one child.
I love a timid country A land of scare campaigns Where mindless bogan slogans Just overtake our brains.
God's will is learned through spiritual wisdom, not the minds' of men. True obedience is not found from the musings of this earth, nor heard in its media.
All who would be strong in the Lord, all who would do much for the Lord, will of priority, first seek to be much with their Lord.
Life weaves for good or ill across every decade. This path of life has countless turns, is littered with serious obstacles and carries innumerable STOP signs.
IntroductionGhosts and goblins, skeletons and skulls are the order of the day. Shrill voices and bright eyes of wonderment gaze hopefully upward and beg trick or treat.
My days are of my hands yet they are not in my hands. My days have been strengthened and straightened, weakened or twisted by the choices I chose.
IntroductionArriving through Jesus is a new world, but none are forced to enter it.
Charles Dickens got this right ~ I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.
Soul Snack 174/14 . . . Have you been waiting too long for God to keep a promise? Patience is an enemy to the soul of strivings.
Soul Snack 163/14 . . . Little peace drips from the bonds of riches. Wealth is by no means sinful, it is not wrong.
Soul Snack 162/14 . . . Peace drips from the font of riches. Dollars anoint the fluctuations of the soul; they salve the sores of the spirit.
Soul Snack 42/12 . . . God's silence Through tempest and fire God screams but man still denies God or unashamedly refuses to listen.
Soul Snack 20/12 . . . Recognising me The impetuous and impulsive apostle Peter had just got Jesus correct: “But what about you?” he (Jesus) asked.
Soul Snack 61/11 . . . A Church Circus There is this day, a carnival -- indeed a circus of church success.
Soul Snack 176/10 . . . Who's boss? I thank you Jesus for your forgiveness, the health of my tomorrows.
Soul Snack 147/10 . . . The Search for Reason Grasping at life's vagaries, I seek understanding.
Soul Snack 144/10 . . . Satan's I. E. Ds (Improvised Explosive Devices (I. E. D) continue to catapult carnage across the allies in Afghanistan.
Soul Snack 134/10 . . . The Lanes of Life Lanes direct life. There are lanes at Customs, there are lanes on the highway and lanes at the supermarket.
Soul Snack 94/10 . . . Adam's trend. In 1648 the Peace of Westphalia established the sovereign rights of states.
Soul Snack 83/10 . . . Easy pain avoidance Countless decisions criss-cross my mind all day.
Soul Snack 24/10 . . . The deceit destroyer! 'If you can fake sincerity you have it made'.
Soul Snack 11/10 . . . A Lesson from Israel. I am sure there is always a best path in life.
Soul Snack 9/148 . . . 'Bloody' decisions! The cross is my focus for life - it is the seat of my decision making.
Soul Snack 9/43 . . . Paradise's Polish His estimation of heaven had changed. Heaven's estimation of him hadn't. Now, willingly he sat.
Soul Snack 9/34 . . . The Foyer - B A large foyer will always take longer to cross than a smaller one.
Soul Snack 9/33 . . . The Foyer - A Foyers are designed to raise euphoric emotions in all those who enter.
Soul Snack 103 . . . God's Atlas ". . . He has also set eternity in the hearts of men . . .