Time is insecure

Time is insecure, but it is assured that 'God will bring the arrow of history to its bull's-eye'.
Time is insecure, but it is assured that 'God will bring the arrow of history to its bull's-eye'.
The earth's unattended problem with sin awakes the heavens. As in the days of Noah so too today.
Righteousness and JUSTICE are the foundation of Your throne. . .
My dear old dad would oft repeat to his 'listening impaired' son - don't bite off more than you can chew. Ambition gets the better of ability.
Enter the search for heaven's rule and foundations, you will surely discover 'righteousness'. This upright of heart will pursue. Righteousness is intentional, it is a discipline of self.
The vengeance theme pervades worldwide human thinking, it always has. All injury perpetrated against us we too believe requires payment.
With a startling candour President Trump's lawyer and defender, and New York's 107th mayor (1994 to 2001) Rudy Giuliani boasted two decades ago: only bribe those who will stay bribed.
The Rev. Dr. Horatius Bonar (1808-1889) wrote in The Night of Weeping of his pastoral intents: “to minister to the saints . . .
Israel's second king (David) knew terrifying battles since his youth. In courage he faced down giant enemies from within and without.
Meek people refuse to be controlling people, it is likely that 'control' rarely enters their mind. They are accepting, gracious and travelling the extra mile people.
Soul Snack 173/14 . . . Wiping out the Islamic State is impossible was reported recently.
Soul Snack 171/14 . . . Two recent vengeful beheadings were shamelessly and proudly broadcast; satan is not backward in coming forward.
Soul Snack 139/14 . . . Satan constructs life as a tennis match. Satan bashes me so that I will return the serve.
Soul Snack 227/13 . . . Smokin' Justice Jesus' promise to the lost, the least, the last and the lonely. . .
Soul Snack 9/10 . . . The Betrayed The dry South African dust descended randomly over this violent group of school bullies.
Soul Snack 8/88 . . . Life's Levelers Clenched white-knuckled fists desperately gripped the now slipping steering wheel. Today was the same as yesterday, tomorrow would be likewise.
Soul Snack 8/81 . . . A Justice Safari Daily justice is wishfully and falteringly hunted down in courtrooms and solicitor's offices worldwide.
Soul Snack 8/54. . . The Mark of God Wafting through this workplace consistently was the stench of boasting and the pride of the sinful heart.
Soul Snack 8/138 . . . Eluding Evil - B His heart smarted, his fists were already clenched and his lips pursed.
Soul Snack 8/4 . . . Sullied but seen "Surely this was a righteous man . . .
Soul Snack 101 . . . Circumstantial Claims "Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.