Faithfulness carries its own rewards

Too little is taught of virtue, and faithfulness is not held in high regard. Virtue is the foundation to the Throne of Grace.
Too little is taught of virtue, and faithfulness is not held in high regard. Virtue is the foundation to the Throne of Grace.
To my mind 'obedience' is easy to say but ridiculously hard to do.
Pure christian faith steps out of the boat without any visible means of support. A young and impulsive Peter first modeled this.
APPREHENDING THE SUPERNATURALChristians believe in the resurrection of the dead. This is supernatural. But, after that many a Christian simply resides in a slippery spiritual acquiescence.
Since Adam and Eve's 'generosity' mankind too has chosen to 'eat' between two trees, the Tree of Life or the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil.
There are still two trees. Only one teaches evil. Evil now 'hollers' out, demands that it is correct. Evil binds its adherents.
Countless trees were abundant in Eden, but God only named two of them. These two trees have challenged the course of the human race.
Stop regarding man in whose nostrils is breath, for of what account is he? (Isaiah 2:22) For the history buffs and the trivia lover this post-flood record will fascinate: The Masoretic Text...
The Scriptures can never fail me. Salvation, peace and decision making are three of its strongest elements.
What informs us, forms us. ~ Michael Cartwright Countless trees were abundant in Eden, but God only named two of them.
Countless seasons have waxed and waned upon their necessary reliability. These are fortunately equal to my great skill at slow learning.
The Lord feeds His own, those He sets aside - differently. So Elijah did what the Lord had told him.
Don't try to fix me, I am not broken. ~ anon. Accusation and argument awakens the proud heart, but steals another's joy.
There are only two seats of learning. The first seat is in a college with many instructors. Here there are equally many and contrary opinions.
Prior to recorded time Adam and Eve were banished from Eden. God placed angelic sentinels with flaming swords at Eden's gateway to prevent mankind's return.
Often your tasks will be many, And more than you think you can do. Often the road will be rugged And the hills insurmountable, too.
With more than a hint of courage Martin Luther peeled back the accumulated Christian thinking of the church five centuries ago. Christian knowledge and theology were most necessarily refined.
Humans are beggars in various clothes. The most tawdry of all clothing is acquiescence. It bemoans courage, covers sin and flees truth.
It hasn't happened yet. . . God intends for righteousness and praise to rise before every nation. The nations have chosen the ways of wickedness, they slander Heaven.
Launched from a post dawn Eden flies the perennial conflict between faith and knowledge. It wages to this day.
The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food.
The search for knowledge is the task of the dissatisfied, those who seek answers to the unanswerable. Two paths exist to the student acquiring knowledge and enquiring of it.
God gave names to only two trees in the garden of Eden. He instructed Adam very carefully to only eat of one.
Walking naked, innocent (and at first lonely) among the avocado trees, under the swooping parrots and beside the mighty Pishon River was the only life Adam had ever known.
'Knowledge comes but wisdom lingers'. ~ Calvin Coolidge Our knowledge piles up, so too its impact.
Around the turn of last century (circa 1903) Arthur Tappan Pierson (an American Presbyterian pastor) wrote of the dire tactics from the Tree of Knowledge to suppress the knowledge from...
Mankind sings himself hoarse to his own changing tunes. He dances in Babylon but refuses join hands with Jerusalem. The libraries of this world become our kitchens.
Life letting you down? Maybe your days are throttled by the worry and fears of tomorrow? Are your paths unclear, with many differing voices that conflict? So much conspires.
What is the foundation of the reformed modern Christian church? Is it not knowledge with the cornerstone of academic degrees; self-feted by the legalism of a proud correctness.
The Bible names just two trees in Eden, although trees were in abundance.
Deliberately God planted two significant trees beside each other at the center of Eden. So noteworthy in fact, they were the only two trees He named.
Our prayers have risen as incense to heaven. Though persistently released from our heart in great hunger, we may even beg for supernatural healings yet they fail.
It is disturbing to me that God can be viewed by Christ's followers as a willing under-achiever. Countless generations prior to the invention of the printing press (c.
There is an impassioned plea to be made for the God who raises the dead, heals the sick and conquers evil - HE STILL DOES THIS! Yet too many Christians languish...
Man's measurements and God's measurements do not equate. What is highly valued among man is detestable to God.
Why is man so literally blind to the infinite truths of the spiritual world and its permanence? Stephen Hawking suggests an old chestnut that further illustrates the above question: "There is a...
Are we not spiritual cripples? Why is spiritual perception so dull? Why does so much of the western world believe in few or no spiritual realties at all? Why does the human body...
The battle of life is the battle for the soul. This war is waged on one field called 'life', but within the shade of two trees.
There were two trees in the Garden of Eden - one has seduced us and other has saved us.
Soul Snack 228/14 . . . Shepherds gather sheep. They search for the lost, bind up the wounded and heal the sick.
Soul Snack 193/14 . . . Christians are all apprentices in the arms of the Lord.
Soul Snack 126/14 . . . Ponder the serpent in Eden. Pictorially it is often portrayed as coiled around a trunk and whispering to Eve.
Soul Snack 125/14 . . . With a now memorable disappointment, I read last century an aging journalist's singular top tip for life.
Soul Snack 123/14 . . . Did Adam listen? God planted two trees at Eden's center prior to placing Adam amongst them.
Soul Snack 92/14 . . . Adam's disobedient reach to the apple would bear far more than belly pain.
Soul Snack 74/13 . . . The Un-Social Media The social media is a Trevi fountain of the ratbags and the rabid.
Soul Snack 55/13 . . . To the serially rejected The torn heart, the compressed soul or the shattered spirit is the dwelling of the serially rejected.
Soul Snack 104/12 . . . Kingdom Keys Keys are about understanding, privilege, authority and ownership. Keys are received by birth, education, promotion, good association or by wealth.
Soul Snack 82/12 . . . The Prince of Paradise - A All forms of vegetation abounded in Eden and surrounded Adam.