High performance hearts

The human heart is a high-performance powerhouse, designed to beat billions of times during a lifetime, remain disease-free and provide the spark for human activities both conscious and unconscious.
The human heart is a high-performance powerhouse, designed to beat billions of times during a lifetime, remain disease-free and provide the spark for human activities both conscious and unconscious.
Perfection is a 'blindness', for it knows no shame. The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.
For you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do—living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry.
Think like Jesus. He is pure. . . . .
Christ suffered in His body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin.
The Bible contains twin gardens that are notable in eternity. The first Adam 'lived' in one, and the second Adam 'died' in one.
The soul is immortal. A man's spirit is withdrawn and returns to its giver at death, he breaths no more.
Israel trekked a disobedient four decade lap of the Sinai Peninsula. They did not have to.
Into our contemporary moral morass Isaiah could have been (and is) prophesying. There is still nothing new under the sun.
“In their own eyes, [the wicked] flatter themselves too much to detect or hate their sin.
Dead dogs, rusty nails and poor housing deals are all unlikely companions.
As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.
Evil finds scant lodgings within a righteous man. This life long Christian trek was first squelched into desert sands. Many in history have gone before us, and succeeded.
Mankind was made good and righteous but man has gone in search of his own ways.
More the treacherous calm I dread, than tempests rolling overhead. Many horses fall at the bottom of the hill because the driver thinks the danger is past.
Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the desert, where for forty days He was tempted by the devil.
Jesus offers mankind real hope. Our sin are cords that bind us.
What price is freedom from sin? It is the 'same price' as our Lord paid. Freedom from sin is apprehended by self-crucifixion.
Bursting across the west annually is an ever larger and glittering bubble of Halloween. Its shadow lengthens. Halloween lingers lonely nearby each year's end.
Halloween (October 31) is my birthday. My family was heavily into black magic. The horror (I still feel) of celebrating with witches, pumpkins, trick or treat is palpable.
The human race is a race of cowards; and I am not only marching in that procession but carrying a banner.
The best of saints may be tempted to the worst of sins. ~ F. J. Sheen Since Adam's expulsion from Eden temptation has only multiplied.
Clergy are no longer the keeper of the keys. Amidst all the centuries since Christ, Christians live in an increasingly charmed season.
Job mused, sufferings were his catalyst: how can a mortal be righteous before God? . . . I could only plead with my Judge for mercy . .
Light knows no fellowship with darkness as righteousness shares no agreement with wickedness. Mankind abhors discrimination, for his heart is not trained in discernment.
Thanatos is the Greek name for the the spirit of death. Its personification is the Grim Reaper. He reckons with your heart, so myth states, to gain your soul.
Almost two centuries ago Charles Spurgeon observed: we shelter in ourselves what we condemn in others. Life's changes, challenges and chances are deft coaches.
Set your heart so that righteousness is its standard. Jesus' death removes the punishment for sin. His righteousness removes the compulsion to sin.
“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.
Those who want to discover the mystery of iniquity in others or in themselves must check carefully. For satan has his wiles and devices, which we shouldn’t ignore.
Were there ever such days when life was safer, human values more consistent, and faith honored above reason? The dark clouds of the cancel culture bombard Christian faith, defy Christian values...
The spirit shrieked, convulsed him violently and came out. (Mark 9:26) Evil never surrenders its grasp without a tremendous fight.
'Love' is not the stairway to heaven! Righteousness challenges and then removes the compulsion of sin. Its rule robs sin's passions, thus evil flees.
All generations hurry into impurity. Entertainment through sin becomes their perpetual intent. Without discretion or prudence all men bolt to master the ways of the life-losing fool.
At a terrifying rate faithfulness is abandoned, and obedience jettisoned. The proposition for obedience is uncomplicated, no higher intellect required: I direct my life or He does.
Proudly satan boasts, no one believes in me anymore! The world and almost all who dwell in it, with a hitherto unknown desperation need to become alert to satan’s wiles.
Enter the search for heaven's rule and foundations, you will surely discover 'righteousness'. This upright of heart will pursue. Righteousness is intentional, it is a discipline of self.
Do not let my heart incline to any evil . . . (Psalm 141:4) Mankind neither knows the value of the soul, or even accepts he has one.
Imagine sitting on a weather-beaten, paint-chipped and cracked wooden railway seat. It has been weathered since before your birth.
Your happiness is first your business, not another. This is common to mankind. I am the best author of my life.
May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance. (2 Thessalonians 3:5) The knowledge of God is to lead to obedience, there exists no second option.
When we dig a bit into our lives, we may find that 'love' has been as much a delight as it has been a delinquent.
Isaiah 32:1-8 teases and tantalizes the Christian's heart and soul. Some Bibles print the title to this chapter quite accurately - "The Kingdom of Righteousness".
For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
A man guards within his heart what he condemns many times over in others.
While the future is unseen, it needs not be unknown. Life is full of 'T' intersections. There is always a choice in life.
Mankind is a multi-talented tribute to the glorious abilities of God, the only creator.
Western mankind now walks every moment of every day on ever weakening, already fractured feet of clay. Amazonian rainforests have been felled. . . iClouds are brimming. . .
Jonah has always been a metaphor for ill-fortune. Pick me up and throw me into the sea. . .
But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, “It is only by Beelzebul, the prince of demons, that this fellow drives out demons.
This world and its protestant church careens headlong in a downward spiral of devaluing sin, diluting it. Too little a sense of righteousness is measured, or even considered.
There is no faithfulness until there is first hardship. Faithfulness is the compass needle that points to obedience and away from flight - during the terrors of life.
In holiness there is separation. This removes me from the eyes and mind of others.
An old man was sitting in his 'cell' (a hut or a cave where the desert monks lived) and a voice came to him which invited: come and I will show...
The Lord created the universe from His righteousness and for His righteousness. Righteousness is the foundation of His throne, His measuring line of behavior.
Yes, I know my motives are all wrong. Deep down, everything is for self.
Life is a battleground. It is not a playground. Wickedness is spilled with an increasing measure that mankind can no longer discern.
Some men may seek to rob the world of poverty, while others may strangely share an equal energy for vengeance.
Frustrating those close-by me all too often is my undeniable ability to voice a sequence of apparently disconnected thoughts that swim in tandem through the wash behind my eyes.
Evil is self-replicating. Every moment of every day worldwide it successfully manages self-multiplication.
Jesus - the assassin. . . this counter-cultural Messiah inverts man's thinking, upending it to destroy the world's foolishness and remove its sin.
Stealth temptation descends across our thoughts at various times as we blindly (and proudly) consider ourselves immune from sin and its enticements.
There is nothing new under the sun. What transpired two thousand years ago is repeated to this day.
Naivety should well be the domain of the Christ-dweller as much as innocence remains his virtue.
#God is above all relational within Himself and invites us into that same relationship, and not as a whimpering poorer person not quite of the family, but as an equal...
Morning by morning my feet kinda drip down the side of the mattress. This is simply a weak attempt, my swaggering start for a new day.
The Highway of Holiness is an unfamiliar path, at times barren and most lonely. It is unseen by the blind, those who do not know or seek God's ways.
Maybe the biggest problem in choosing forgiveness is pride? I am NOT going to forgive them! Forgiveness creates room for the Holy Spirit of Jesus to move in me and maybe the...
It is the inner life of a man that God searches out, gazes upon and then scrutinizes.
The body can be a polar cap while the soul can be an inferno. Another's mal-intent has set alight your soul, and it burns to this day.
Soul Snack 220/14 . . . Pulpits have dulled it and the world is silent.
Soul Snack 219/14 . . . Sin to the Christian mirrors communism to democracy - destruction! Sin that is present refuses to be ignored.
Soul Snack 185/14 . . . Mankind has decided to jump off life's correct tracks.
Soul Snack 181/14 . . . The hurdled has been leapt, pride swallowed and knees bent in a sorrowful repentance.
Soul Snack 171/14 . . . Two recent vengeful beheadings were shamelessly and proudly broadcast; satan is not backward in coming forward.
Soul Snack 81/14 . . . It is a distinctive life that hungers and thirsts for the Lord.
Soul Snack 55/14 . . . As I wrote this morning, a little bird hopped through the door.
Soul Snack 10/14 . . . Eve became the first prisoner of a passive war. There were no gunshots, I. E. Ds or bombs, no pain or even tears.
Soul Snack 198/13 . . . Sister Act# Too often we see a foe within when it is in fact a friend. It is enemies we seek to kill.
Soul Snack 196/13 . . . A Storm Inside the Head Guilt is as attractive as a chaperone on a wedding night.
Soul Snack 172/13 . . . Satan's Aphrodisiac Temptation is satan's aphrodisiac to evil.
Soul Snack 164/13 . . . Recovering Birth We are all born innocent with the terminal ability to sin but not aware of it.
Soul Snack 161/13 . . . Twisted Thinking It is nearly three decades since my first born played outside during a super-heated Sydney day.
Soul Snack 137/13 . . . Anger - the aphrodisiac! Anger is an aphrodisiac to sin. The sin of anger cannot be very far from the sin of sorcery.
Soul Snippet 123/13 . . . Paralysing Sin Sin places a yolk on the disciple; it binds them, captures them and refuses to be released.
Soul Snack 114/13 . . . God's Gripe God's issue with man is his disregard for God. This is the city of revelry that lived in safety.
Soul Snack 104/13 . . . Homosexuality - the deadliest sin? ~ B(This SoulSnack is best read sequentially to yesterday's.
Soul Snack 90/13 . . . Sink Satan "Usually desire to do evil is seductively disguised as a pleasant good.
Soul Snack 24/13 . . . Expecting satan There is a ribbon of light flowing across each Christian's soul. It is a darkness dispelling flow that sin flees from.
Soul Snack 218/12 . . . Of Righteousness There are few hollow caves, dark dens or dense jungles in scripture where righteousness is not present.
Soul Snack 118/12 . . . Carried by Nails Indulgence is the aphrodisiac to sin.
Soul Snack 99/12 . . . Truce with God It is reasonable to expect that a sage knows the strengths and weaknesses of their own soul.
Soul Snack 74/12 . . . The Ache of Sin An aching soul was evidenced by clenched eyes, a bent back and furrowed face.
Soul Snack 72/12 . . . Until death us do part In 2011 WorldWide Wrestling Entertainment Inc had a gross income of very nearly half-a billion dollars.
Soul Snack 33/12 . . . The Horizon of the Soul Temptation returns with the regularity of the sun rising and the predictability of the clouds forming.
Soul Snack 155/11 . . . Kissing Jesus' feet A lack-lustre lady arrived at a luminaries abode while the Lord was eating with him.
Soul Snack 98/11 . . . Walls from Sin The Spirit pleads and the Lord cries isolate your-self from all competitors to me.
Soul Snack 81/11 . . . 'It is finished' Alive, alone and no longer pained He rubs His eyes, the dawn almost replacing the darkness.
Soul Snack 68/11 . . . Death's knife Sin binds the sinner and yokes their very being.
Soul Snack 43/11 . . . The Tap of Sin The day was complete. Outside it rained and inside tiredness was present and bed inviting.
Soul Snack 126/10 . . . The Price of my Soul The soul who sins is the one who will die.
Soul Snack 103/10 . . . Roadmap to Purity The path through life glistens with the inviting and is littered with the attractive. Many are the challenges to faith.
Soul Snack 58/10 . . . 'A Purging Fire. ' The plumber comes to purge blocked drains. The scalpel's incision is to purge a body of cancer.
Soul Snack 57/10 . . A Railway Ramble The ancient disused railway tunnel beckoned entry while its darkness promised adventure.
Soul Snack - 28/10 . . . Troubling Temptation - B Temptation is at war with my soul.
Soul Snack 27/10 . . . Troubling Temptation - A Resisting temptation is seated in the desire to be better, it is fuelled by the love of righteousness.
SOUL SNACK 9/111 . . Little mirrors from heaven! Bona-fide healthy and happy TV I can still clearly remember.
Soul Snack 9/101 . . . Looking for Sunshine - B Are there 2 types of sunshine? Surely there are! Sunshine &Sonshine.
Soul Snack 9/100 . . . Looking for Sunshine - A The doomsayers and the fearful would be correct, if the sun were destroyed so too would life.
Soul Snack 9/99 . . . Devotion's Apex? Coursing largely unnoticed thru the spiritual veins of His followers is a little perceived righteousness.
Soul Snack 9/98 . . . Touring with sin! Sin seductively offers. Sin silently advances touring towards me with much knowledge of my soul's weakness.
Soul Snack 9/83 . . . Shooting Sin The ferocity of his fist felled another yet again.
Soul Snack 9/38 . . . An Impure Touch A pure pharisee had invited the King of Purity to share a meal.
Soul Snack 9/17 . . . Recapturing Eden There are three hopes residing in all human hearts - harmony, health and happiness.
Soul Snack 9/9 . . . Peter's Correct Each day of my life my sinful past endeavours to capture my currently pure and sin free future.
Soul Snack 87/12 . . . Easy on God God has focused, indeed summoned all necessary strength, and even stretched out His mighty arm to redeem me.
Soul Snack 8/223 . . . Sin Strives Sin knows no satisfaction nor gives any. It is THE most unkind and voracious taskmaster.
Soul Snack 8/222 . . . Sampling Heaven God has so safely encompassed my heart with a rib cage.