Beginning with Heaven's Eligibility

The face that a child wears is their own face.
The face that a child wears is their own face.
The path of the righteous is level; O upright One, You make the way of the righteous smooth. (Isaiah 26:7) Safety dwells in the hearts of mankind.
What do you want to achieve? Greater riches? Cheaper chicken? A happier life, a longer life? Is it power over your neighbors that you are after? Are you running away...
'Hide & Seek' is a timeless child's play. Each new generation re-creates this game with shouted small variations of coming ready or not.
Have we already experienced 2021? Is 2020 coming again? Take out 2020 and substitute 2021.
So long 2020! Could 202I be the year that this earth collectively 'catches its breath'? Unity has come to the globe through such hope.
Two rulers knew the life-giving power of correct words. Two leaders became mighty men for they were concerned to know God's ways first, not their own.
"Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do . . . you have to pick carefully".
Maybe it is nearly 3000 years since sandal clad and dusty Jewish feet scrambled up the steep hillside to their Temple and paused before the summit; eyes cast aloft this...
Fresh paths are best navigated with a map when the soul walks with clear direction.
Three months into World War Two, British academic and teacher Minnie Louise Haskins was quoted by King George VI in his 1939 Christmas broadcast: I said to the man who stood at...
Desires drive the man above their reason. He who can harness their emotions will never be driven into their traps. Settle the heart of 2015 today.
To laugh and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false...
And the Lord spoke to me: To those distracted or disabled, the fearful or the faithful I have this to say to you - no year, no breath, no relationship, no...
Wishes for greener meadows and the gilding of life's lillies flow afresh each new year.
Is New Year the bright season of hopes soon fulfilled? Or, is it a cave of hidden and dashed dreams too long held? Waiting can be the home of a shaky peace...
French born, Anglican baptised, American Catholic Trappist monk Thomas Merton died prematurely in 1968 at the tender age of 53. He penned the soulful prayer below.
As New Year bumps last year to the side. . . For those who may welcome the New Year on the outside but not on the inside. . .
Soul Snack 249/14 . . . Tomorrow is as insecure as yesterday is now past. The New Year always approaches with uncertainties, lingering fears; both thieves rest.
Soul Snack 7/14 . . . The pre-dawn grey was simply a shadow over all who remained in Sodom.
SOUL SNACK 3/14 … Of Pilgrims & Pioneers - B Pilgrims and pioneers cross unchartered lands, ford raging rivers and defeat wild animals.
Soul Snack 5/14 . . . SpreadingJOY Have you ever been humbled by another's New Year resolutions? I was humbled when I read the following.
SOUL SNACK 2/14 … Of Pilgrims & Pioneers - A New Year continues (and I suspect always will be) the place for pilgrims and pioneers.
SOUL SNACK 6/14 . . . Shattering the Hourglass A recalcitrant prophet railed against God around 680BC. The God of heaven fielded Habakkuk's complaints loudly mailed from earth.