A Hermit's Sweet Lesson

A hermit possesses nothing save solitude and the presence of the Lord. He neither owns his cave nor even his breath.
A hermit possesses nothing save solitude and the presence of the Lord. He neither owns his cave nor even his breath.
Remember Noah? Remember the boy David who would be king? God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
Surely I spoke of things that I did not understand; I talked of things too wonderful to know.
. . but if God remains silent who can condemn Him? (Job 34:29a) Each human longs for a sensible Divine intervention to suffering.
I wonder if King David could have penned this prayer too? Dear Jesus, the lover and keeper of my soul, I am sadly harassed by doubts, fears, unbelief, ...
Rains flood souls, even more than streams. Very few escape life untouched, unblemished or maybe destroyed - as was Job's experience. . . .
Without constant movement 'the universe' atrophies. Yet, God continues dishonored and still renews this world each and every day. 'Renewables' are too offered daily.
As love anchors a child, hope anchors the soul. Hope, love and faith are life's purest lubricants to the human spirit and soul.
Goodness and mercy is punctuated in every soul, yet King David lived expectantly. . .
When giants arise, so too stress. Mental tension marches up and down the avenues of the mind at increasing speed.
There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day.
Hovering over too much of our earthly sojourn are dramatic and dark clouds. At various times we may feel crushed by their immovability.
Popping up regularly on SoulSupply are Biblical promises. They nourish the soul.
I will gather the lost and love the lame. God heals the outcasts, those for whom nobody cares.
The believer learns enormously more in lament than in laughter. As with the scared apostle Peter (while walking on water) the Lord's safe outstretched arm is already there.
Aren't we all alike, for this fundamental temptation is pervasive - to believe our Lord is disinterested, unresponsive or silently ignores the mud and malaise of humanity? This sulfur- fueled...
Battle wounds are still open, swords are still raised; feelings are bleak and the darkness weighs heavy. The Lord would speak always refreshment: My child, come to Me.
Satan paints Jesus in his own colors. ~ Stephen Charnock Too often life feels as if someone has quietly and unknowingly tied your shoelaces together, then you step forward.
I have called you friends. (John 15:15) Years ago there was an old German professor whose beautiful life was a marvel to his students.
c When Jesus saw the lepers, He said 'go show yourselves to the priests. ' And as they went, they were cleansed. (Luke 17:14) Simply the lepers obeyed Jesus.
As Jesus entered a village, ten men stood at a distance who had leprosy and met Him. They called out to Jesus, "Jesus, Master, have pity on us.
Remember the ten lepers Jesus healed? (Luke 17:11-19) They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, "Jesus, Master, have pity on us.
Ascended too many 'mountain tops' in obedience? What nobler decoration of honor can any Godly man seek after than his scars of service? ~ Charles Spurgeon You have persevered and have...
There is no Rock like our God. (1 Samuel 2:2) Jesus' pains and betrayals did not diminish His compassion, nor did they deliver cursing.
The holy Scriptures sing many songs to anoint all of mankind. But, very few seek such affirmation.
Should drama hint at an escalation to chaos unflappable souls reach for a salve.
I once heard the following statement from a simple old man, and I have never forgotten it: When God tests you, test God back.
Do you wait for waters to part? The Israelites did too. The God who parted waters is YOUR God.
The story is told of the great Polish pianist, Padereweski, who was giving a concert to a select group of admirers.
The entry to this world is but a cry. Exit from this world is but a gasp. In between life is gained and love is found.
"I will uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness. " (Isaiah 41:10)Charles Spurgeon inspires: Fear of falling is wholesome. To be venturesome is no sign of wisdom.
Record my lament; list my tears on Your scroll, are they not in Your record? (Psalm 56:8) There is an alternate reading to the middle section of this verse.
Year after year Elkanah's wife Hannah worshiped and sacrificed to the Lord. Hannah was sorely provoked in spirit through her barrenness. She wept much in anguish and grief.
Hospital beds worry me. Reflections from hospital beds are seeded in stillness, the time is forcefully available to marinate the thoughts.
Is the largest danger to a man's soul the the presence of enduring calamity? Don't all souls ache for peace? Life's dramas and traumas have all of mankind reaching for solace....
Is hope flowing within as a mighty river, or has it been relegated to a victim of yesteryear? My firmest grip is upon the Lord, in whatever circumstance.
The tail end of 1 John in the New Testament is chapter 5 verses 18-21: We know that anyone born of God does not continue to sin; the one who was...
My eyes grow dim through sorrow. Every day I call upon You, O Lord; I spread out my hands to You. (Psalm 88:9) Sorrow makes us move more slowly.
Secure these words in your heart. Plant them, water them in your soul so that both your mind and feet with follow.
Rarely is the Bible considered a manual for building self-esteem – let alone quoted! Yet, by its very nature it is spoken to, penned for, and written by those who...
The foray into life is never of a newborn's will. The gift of life is not optional.
'Sometimes I lay awake in bed at night and I don't have a single thing to worry about, that worries me.
"Those who have never been seen by man have always been seen by God.
Heaven is the country of the soul. ~ AugustineMen have accused other men of being too heavenly minded to be of any earthly use.
Jesus make promises, He does not break them. Battered people (sadly) are often more alert to Jesus' promises than those at ease. Faith is refined in the battle.
There is a human neediness that cries out to Heaven and claims His heart. It is stronger than any human’s independence, such neediness too pierces human pride.
Around 742BC the Lord commissioned Isaiah (the son of Amoz) to prophesy to His people in ancient Judah.
Moses said to the Lord, ‘Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant.
Do the stars stare down with a distant indifference? To endure in hope through darkness is an easy task to flee.
An unknown man falls into an unseen abyss. His life descends at an alarming rate. He catches a hanging golden thread he is whizzing past.
Tears are the blood of the soul. As the tide flows, so can tears wax and wane. Weeping does not escape Heaven's eyes.
The loving and merciful God, abundant in grace, has one trait the wise will follow - FORGETFULNESS! I imagine an endless lake. It is signposted The Lake of Forgetfulness.
Consider when a great forest is set fire by a small spark.
"I cannot be of any use," says one. "I cannot talk in meetings. I cannot pray in public. I have no gift for visiting the sick.
Do not fear the reproach of man. . . you are covered with the shadow of My hand. . . you belong to Me.
The giant before you is not greater than the God behind you! ~ Michael Cartwright I know not the way He leads me, but well do I know my Guide.
Job's Biblical status lives on in history as the measuring line to suffering, only exceeded by the Passion of our Lord.
Rest: a faint dream for many, a treasured commodity in a fallen world, a thing so needed yet so easily interrupted.
There is a colorful, teasing and exceptionally obscure verse 'hidden' very close to the end of the Old Testament.
When the heart murmurs within, refusing to be silenced. . . When the back stoops too low, refusing to straighten. . .
Many ways and paths are available to those who seek refuge and comfort, but one is best.
Heaven is no longer torn by war or assailed by pride. Long ago satan was expelled to earth.
Fortunately the Lord's mind and heart is not as mankind's. God calls the weak and the weary, the unschooled and the ordinary people of His world.
He leads us on by paths we did not know; Upward He leads us, though our steps be slow, Though oft we faint and falter on the way, Though storms and darkness oft...
Faith is not the result of striving, it is the result of surrender.
The Psalms are wider than this world's oceans, deeper than their combined depths.
Find a heart that will love you at your worst, and arms that will hold you at your weakest.
The longings of the righteous will be satisfied. The anxious heart weighs a man down. Heartache crushes the spirit.
Guilt is a hook to the soul, as much as it is a savior to the soul. As the soul is saved Jesus removes the hook.
Just in case your days may be shadowed by thunderclouds. . . Just in case your brothers have judged you in your day of misfortune. . .
The day is to come (and soon) at Jesus' return when reason will prove faith right, and no longer contradict it.
You are the straw that is crushing my back, the salt that is burning my wounds.
The heart cries for intimate belonging (Brennan Manning). From this cry within we each may examine others responses to us in the search for acceptance.
You've tumbled and been tripped, an ax has come against your trunk and gales have blown you over. . .
Memory is a powerful spiritual tool. Both sadly and foolishly the Israelites only saw pain after their deliverance from Egypt through the Red Sea.
A judgement described as burning coals falls upon those who belong to the Lord, yet conform to the ways of the nations.
Chaotic change swirls around, then charges into all lives. Deep waters cry out in the long, dark and cold nights for mercy.
She cowered. Stones were lifted for flight. Adultery meant death. Jesus stood to the side and watched. The crowd bleated and spat venom.
The soul is as tender as the body. It too hurts inconsolably and even inexplicably. Each human soul mirrors the hidden workings of their spirit.
There is a chameleon-like Old Testament prophecy - Zechariah! Judgment, justice and victory are spoken of by God through Zechariah. This book opens and closes with His tenderness.
Too many, too long have lived at hell's doors. Visiting the vestibule of hell is surely a metaphor to living without hope. For, hell holds no hope.
God has made countless promises, He tells no lies. As in all our dealings with the good Lord, these are apprehended by faith.
The human soul wears down as the sole of a shoe. Constant friction destroys both. When the sun of sadness scorches and the heart to love withers. . .
A desire is no more a thirst than a rock-slide is an earthquake. Desire knocks on doors, but thirst kicks them down. Thirsts both occupy and demand attention.
Even more diligently than the prince of the air roams the earth seeking targets (Job 1:7), is the diligence that Christians must guard their lives.
The Psalmists knew God as their life's constant, their foundations, their ever present 'go-to' person.
An unnamed broke woman a jar and poured its perfume on Jesus' head. Indignant bystanders harshly rebuked her. But, as always, Jesus was not backward in coming forward.
Betrayal will always fail to explain how much it charges. As with Judas, betrayers have first died on the inside before they die 'on the outside'.
God's goodness to His own is not simply limited to their after-life, to only a heaven gifted harmony that can never be lost, stolen or surrendered.
I believe satisfaction and peace are bed-partners, they kiss each other. They are as elusive to the earth-bound human spirit as they are close to each other.
A man may live in a mansion while his soul is flattened in a monsoon. Refuge and shelter are synonyms for the peace-seeker.
The Bible is present but consulted lightly, and so recalled too loosely. Frequently we remember the portion but not the lot.
Abba Euprepius (a fourth century A. D. desert monk) taught: knowing that God is mighty and faithful, have faith in Him and you shall share what is His.
Is it too fanciful to consider that a king's heart may plead as yours? King David wrote countless Psalms.
The altar within the soul lays achingly empty when there is nought upon it to worship.
'A heart can be broken but it keeps beating just the same'. ~ anon.
Has there been a soul since Eden that would not seek to banish anxiety from their heart, or cast off the troubles of their body? (see Job 11:10) In reflection upon...
This number is small, not much do I require, just three, three alone are all I need.
Should the years weary, and the feet tarry. . . Should the eyes grow dim, and the muscles waste. . . Should the hair gray, and the back stoop.
Frequently life's roller-coasters stir the soul and massage the spirit for good or for ill. These are perfect times to grab a Biblical scaffold and stay upright.
When life's fires are fuelled by hardship. . . To those whom disappointment has pursued. . . To those who mercy has avoided. . .
This world breaks. At increasing speed the cries of the broken weave through the media and waft down random streets.
Mistakes are the meanest form of self-definition. The sum total of your mistakes is not you. God never calls us a mistake.
Every second of every day, at the point of any suffering God's marketing arm is found wanting.
The ancient Greeks and Romans (among too many other 'societies') practised the chilling, abominable habit of exposing 'unacceptable' new-borns.
A shattered man re-scripts life through the mercy of Heaven, confirmed by the approving love of Calvary. The Gospel was much more than words or creeds.
William Shakespeare explained: 'Expectation is the root of all heartache. ' The Lord acts in human heartache. There is nought in life beyond His ability to touch.
The good Lord would say to any who love Him in both spirit and in truth: Do not permit regret to rule your future, take this stronghold captive and imprison it...
And the Lord said: I will gather the lame and love the lost. My name will be on their foreheads.
God gathers His lambs into His arms and carries them close to His heart.
The borrowing of hope is a mind-stretching thought, yet to a soul awash in hopelessness it can be a morsel to a restored future.
Eight decades ago Francis Schaeffer argued: The concept that the final reality is energy which has existed forever in some form and takes its present form by chance has totally destructive...
Why does night multiply loneliness? Why is night the season of a dark self-examination? Surely too it is the time where troubled souls learn where others weep? This is Gethsemane.
It is so easy wonder why life has 'panned out as it has. . .
To those who have fallen in cisterns of pain or staggered through cycles of rejection. . . To those who have crawled in fear or collapsed in weakness. .
Comfort can be as elusive as love. When solace is longed for, resilience flounders.
Jesus' sticky innocent blood dripped. Matted hair, sunken souls and slumped shoulders all felt it. These four devoted just stood close to Him.
One day an enquirer questioned St Francis of Assisi (1181-1226) as to why God called him, Francis humbly replied: God picks the weakest, the smallest, the meanest of men on the...
Life may feel like a stacked game with marked cards, or maybe some unkind chance thrown from a cosmic dice.
Maybe your flooded heart humms rain, rain, go away. . . Should loneliness soak you as your closest friend. . .
This fundamental temptation is pervasive - to believe our Lord is disinterested, unresponsive or has silently done nothing; He has not intervened in the mud and malaise of my life.
Surely He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered Him stricken by God, smitten by Him, and afflicted. (Isaiah 53:4) Appearances can so easily deceive.
To All Those Who Don't Meet This World's Standards: God is not bound by human reason.
Pressed under grief Job cried out: My life ebbs away; days of suffering grip me . . . I go about blackened by the sun . . .
Maybe you have been pushed back and are about to fall? Maybe you have tripped and face-planted when another silently tied your bootlaces together? Maybe you have tugged curtains wide too many...
Is Psalm 23 the most famous Bible passage in history? How many times has it been quoted, brought comfort or been meditated upon? How often has the Bible had its jacket dusted...
Being righteous is better than being right. Living humbly is better than losing friends. Eight thoughts to keep friends or restore them: 1) Overlook offence.
Can you imagine building a boat in a desert for a century, while preaching righteousness to a wicked world? Noah can! God found Noah righteous in his generation.
We all would love to sail through a storm and escape shipwreck.
No easy space exists for those who would bear Christ's cross, surrender their will and audit their life in obedience to Him who was faithful unto death.
When the day breaks as bleak as the night was lonely. . . When rest flees and health holds its hand. . .
Picture yourself bathing in the uninterrupted seclusion that this ramshackle hut offers. Your eyes gaze out but your heart looks up.
Now I become myself. It’s taken time, many years and places. I have been dissolved and shaken, Worn other peoples’ faces.
Peace is the unmet appetite of the soul. Yet, it need not be permanently elusive.
God's eagerness to support His children, to pour His love over them and stand at their side can never be overstated - yet this too is an understatement.
What else can I gather, who else can I know but You? Apart from You I am empty, in Your absence I thirst As your right hand rests lightly upon me, in...
Self-talk helps or hinders. Our self-belief files can equip us as much as they can injure us.
God chooses to use women like you and me, who are imperfect broken vessels - cracked pots.
This anonymous tale of two clay pots has raised hearts and bandaged wounds for countless generations in various forms - for: it is from poverty of spirit that the kingdom of...
If your head hangs low and your back is stooped. . . If your heart is empty but your eyes are full. . .
God's mercies He still delivers fresh and free every morning.
The heart is the suitcase of the soul. The heart carries all my meditations, the fine ones and the shameful ones.
Yes, I know my motives are all wrong. Deep down, everything is for self.
Uncontained tears spilled from a mature Christian mom's eyes. Her soul bled in desperation and her heart heaved - broken.
Maybe your heart has ached and your eyes hunted for a friendly smile, just one? But none was found! Everybody always knows an ache or two inside.
'History is heading somewhere'. ~ David Beasant July14th's SoulSnack was published with a prophetic tinge only hours before France bled afresh for Evil still spills.
For the self-doubters, the troubled, those with a radar for rejection and the weighed down, anchored by tragedy . . .
It is good to be named among the poor and needy, for they are humble, knowing little self-strength, depending upon no favor of man.
Hardship burns and then scars all souls. A pained body or soul will never permit itself to be ignored.
As gales scuttle a ship so too life's gales sink a soul.
Self-defense is at the boiling core of every human being. It is the right of the soul to call the body and spirit to action, even war.
When life is constantly difficult and . . . its pathways are constructed upon jagged stones, or . . .
Unmet personal desires are sticky thirsts that refuse to disappear anymore than they can be satisfied. So, dissatisfied I then feed my soul upon alluring distractions.
The Lord would speak to those who have tears that flow as a waterfall: I have this to say to you, your tears are more precious than much fine gold to...
Maybe our Heavenly Father has been misrepresented to you? Is your soul tauntedd by a picture of a parent waiving a finger at a departing child? The parent leaves God in...
Do you feel your name is written in the heavens but only scribbled upon earth? Does your very existence cry out for God's presence, thirsting with the deer and knowing your...
God gave no thought to create His precious children and stand back, to simply gaze at us in some remote besotted manner from a distance.
They say love is blind. They are correct. Not one has escaped, none are scot-free - we have fallen in love with sin, all ignorant to its true character.
We live in a world that makes up clever impersonations of how we would like God to look, think and act.
A. W. Tozer (1887-1963) lived for a supernatural Lord with the warm candles of intimacy lit by enduring devotion.
Sadness is clear proof that your soul is still alive. ~ anon Sadness can be a cruel taskmaster. The sad person wanders within, sculpting their tears.
It is said that a sad soul is always up past midnight. Too many a soul is painted in grey by a brush held over them or by them.
It is to the lost, least, last and lonely. . . It is to the forgotten, the forsaken and the humanity's discarded. . . . . .
Capture in your mind's eye if you will; could you even imagine driving your local freeway and an early model (unmodified - 1953) pristine Polo White Corvette eases alongside in...
Trapped in the cycle of sadness? As a magnet to iron filings, God is attracted to the sad - to those who mourn.
Life's battles sap your self-confidence and tip you upside-down. . . Unshakeable sadness hovers its dark shadow across your soul. . .
Has foul weather found unfair harbor around your relationships? Blowing into all lives perfect storms for relational hardships arrive.
Surely a martyr's mind is not just mortal? The first Christian martyr - Stephen, hurled grace while his assailants hurled granite.
Morning by morning my feet kinda drip down the side of the mattress. This is simply a weak attempt, my swaggering start for a new day.
God is famous for both waiting on man and man waiting upon Him.
Weakness is the conduit to self-crucifixion. Whilever I continue strong in myself I have the energy to fight self-crucifixion.
Has your strength been so sapped you are even unable to sleep? Maybe you have found fears where there are none, but are too weak to shake them? Could the darkness of...
The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.
Maybe the biggest problem in choosing forgiveness is pride? I am NOT going to forgive them! Forgiveness creates room for the Holy Spirit of Jesus to move in me and maybe the...
Man is too hard on man! George Clooney and I roomed on a vacation camp in our teens! That is a lie, not a microcosm of truth but was there a mere...
Soul Snack 222/14 . . . Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me - is a lie.
Soul Snack 221/14 . . . Comfort is even more elusive than it is fleeting.
Soul Snack 202/14 . . . Gathered around the Throne of Grace are ragamuffins, vagabonds and ne'er-do-wells.
Soul Snack 190/14 . . . It is a painfully wicked life to wear the holey trousers of despair.
Soul Snack 164/14 . . . I am caught between Northern Iraq and Moldova; a western Christian's no-man's land of impotence and self-questioning.
Soul Snack 151/14 . . . Where is there endurance without comfort? Both suffering and comfort are shared from Christ.
Soul Snack 117/14 . . . Concealed in a pre-dawn human history, before a time any man could number, Job almost drowned in the chalice of suffering.
Soul Snack 110/14 . . . Jesus is no sour savior. His whip-torn back did not bleed resentment; His parched lips returned no vengeful fire.
Soul Snack 103/14 . . . A flooded world can drown many hopes, multiply the deepest sorrow and drench any future.
Soul Snack 53/14 . . . With cigarette in hand and sporting a left eye as black as my Honda, a solitary lady hovered nearby.
Soul Snack 27/14 . . . "When God opens the windows of heaven to bless us, the devil will open the doors of hell to blast us.
Soul Snack 211/13 . . . Giving Peace a Chance. Four decades ago with worldwide acclaim John Lennon pleaded - give peace a chance.
Soul Snack 184/13 . . . Kissing Tears As the sun descended Jesus withdrew down a dusty road.
Soul Snack 169/13 . . . How to find rest! Satan sifted Job and Peter. He strained them through the mesh of suffering.
Soul Snack 107/13 . . . Katch Komfort again Burdens multiply as surely as the sun rises each morning.
Soul Snack 89/13 . . . The Surprise of Sadness The children born of bereavement will grow.
Soul Snack 68/13 . . . The Fiery Places I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction.
Soul Snack 65/13 . . . Sometimes Silence# The old man sat rocking in his chair on the porch. His eyes were red from sobbing.
Soul Snack 30/13 . . . 7 Pillows for the Soul The pillow is both a metaphor for peace and the place for rest.
Soul Snack 29/13 . . . 7 Tonics for the Heart Drink these in when the day is bleak, the spirit is restless or the soul is cold.
Soul Snack 28/13 . . . 7 Kisses from Heaven Kisses are a gentler, indeed kinder manner of touch. They welcome, affirm and display affection.
Soul Snack 21/13 . . . Tamar - a tortured wife & life! Tamar walked in the slipstream of male ill-will.
Soul Snack 20/13 . . . Of Accidental Birth Too many people just live in the shadows of love or the wilderness of rejection.
Soul Snack 171/12 . . . Cliffhanger In 1993 the action movie Cliffhanger opened with a steeled Sylvester Stallone failing in his grasp of a beautiful damsel (Michelle Joyner).
Soul Snack 156/12 . . . The Unchosen God will always speak to the serially rejected.
Picture a sharp and glistening sword lightly dangled above an innocent's head while he reclined in the utmost luxury his world could then offer.
Soul Snack 123/12 . . . Catching Comfort Comfort is the cry of the soul, it is the relief for distress and the glue of harmony.
Soul Snack 109/12 . . . Knowing you are important Approval, affirmation, attention and affection are the piers of healthy emotions and a stable life.
Soul Snack 107/12 . . . Getting Storms Right A little girl walked to and from school daily.
Soul Snack 97/12 . . . Of Wounds and Wings The painful intercourse of Jesus' life is glaring to the reader in John's Gospel chapters 6-8.
Soul Snack 65/12 . . . Left Behind Not all the inhabitants of Judah were taken into Babylonian captivity. In 586BC King Nebuchadnezzar left the poorest behind.
Soul Snack 127/11 . . . Bent Nails There are a small series of toolboxes idle in my garage, each has a separate purpose.
Soul Snack 120/11 . . . Death's Valley There are too many who find that each day is a walk through the valley of the shadow of death.
Soul Snack 100/11 . . . The Lost and the Lame And the Lord said: I will gather the lame and love the lost.
Soul Snack 70/11 . . . Fragments of Charm Overheard descriptions of others can be revealing. Overhead descriptions of self may be hurting. Riddled with self-doubt . . .
Soul Snack 42/11 . . . Of Punctuation and Peace God is reversing the walk of the lost, the least, the last and the lonely.
Soul Snack 39/11 . . . Life's retreats There are default positions in all our lives.
Soul Snack 37/11 . . . The Clawings at Life In the groping at life for peace and well-being, the finger's can slip and the nails can be broken.
Soul Snack 20/11 Words from the Cross - B Jesus still silently shouts from Golgotha to salve the, rebuked; rejected; restless; illegitimate; unwanted and humiliated, " . . .
Soul Snack 19/11 . . . Words from the Cross - A Jesus still silently shouts from Golgotha to salve the: broken, beaten, bruised, lonely, saddened and graceless .
Soul Snack 16/11 . . . Finding applause Beams of light interrupted the darkness of this large auditorium.
Soul Snack 14/11 . . . Tears in the Rain It was as if the rain had made her invisible.
Soul Snack 12/11 . . . The Island Soul? It is either the tenderness or the torture of the heart that is food for the soul.
Soul Snack 141/13 . . . Slipped from God's sleeve Gardening, singing, cooking and playing cards are (at best) elusive to me.
Soul Snack 160/10 . . . Release - B I feel sure that I am not alone. Pursuing my intentions has littered my paths with both good and evil.
Soul Snack 159/10 . . . Release - A My son carries dirt-bikes on my trailer.
Soul Snack 148/10 . . . Dreams delivered A very winsome smile set her tender heart aglow. This unsolicited beam seemed so unusual.
Soul Snack 139/10 . . . The Stadium of Scorn - Part AA simple heart will always desire to give its best.
Soul Snack 145/13 . . . Fully Loaded? Jesus is your mentor, your support staff and your counsellor.
Soul Snack 100/10 . . . WaterWorld Ezekiel has been captured (40:1-40) by a vision of The New Temple (chs. 40-48).
Soul Snack 91/10 . . . Heart Song You alone are my reason for singing; You alone are the star in my sky.
Soul Snack 88/10 . . . Life's ebb and flow "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Soul Snack 62/10 . . . The kiss of mercy As mercy kissed her brokenness' she felt nourishment in her soul again.
Soul Snack 59/10 . . . Yesterday's Heat. Drowning his sorrows was imbedded deep in his spirit and uppermost in his mind.
Soul Snack 38/10 . . . Falling for Jesus The Apostle John had already been plunged into boiling oil.
Soul Snack 31/10 . . . A bellow from heaven! It is easy for the God who is everywhere to meet me where I am at.
Soul Snack 26/10 . . . The Corridor of Shambles There are paths or corridors that course through all lives. They are the conduits of emotion.
Soul Snack 23/10 . . . A Sober Snack No child ever chooses to be born. No child ever pleaded with a potential parent for life.
Soul Snack 22/10 . . . Messiah in the middle! Flawlessly bowed in perfect unison to an unseen God, they exercised their faith.
Soul Snack 15/10 . . . A Care-full Christ. Down on the knees, head stooped low, a bruised and bleeding heart was opened before heaven.
Soul Snack 9/189 . . . Jesus @ the wheel! Car crashes are as frequent as a politician in the news.
Soul Snack 9/152 . . . Getting me right! Immediately before him stood a precious and sculptured piece of fine art.
SOUL SNACK 9/146 . . . 'Backs covered. ' The ebbs and flows of life can both caress or assault body mind and spirit.
Soul Snack 9/135 - A Trilogy of Tenderness - 3 Upon each soul alike falls the opportunity for irreversible forgiveness.
Soul Snack 9/134 - A Trilogy of Tenderness - 2 Calvary's pain-pierced cries are not a call to a natural life! Neither does calvary bellow for an unnatural life! The call...
Soul Snack 9/133 - A Trilogy of Tenderness -1 The absence of grace will not suffice. The murmur of self-will is to be shouted down.
Soul Snack 9/24 . . . Seeing well! Reaching across the threshold of my life (hmmm . . .
Soul Snack 9/106 . . . His cosmic cab! Spread unevenly across the floor of his soul was the warm blood of an absolutely shattered heart.
Soul Snack 9/104 . . . Exit planning! Contemplation of life will always reveal the limits to life.
Soul Snack 9/84 . . . Winning Weakness She wrestled in a meaningless present and endured a hopeless past.
Soul Snack 210/13 . . . Churchill, God & Secrets July 6, 1942: Contemplate this - if Hitler falls into our hands we shall certainly put him to death.
Soul Snack 8/143 . . . Weather Words Rain must fall. Wind must blow. Lightning must strike. The natural creation order must function well.
Soul Snack 8/94 . . . Unseen Comfort There is an intangible presence of comfort available in this world. I can pursue my will with all my resident energy.
Soul Snack 8/84 . . . The Good Absence! Stranger things had occurred previously, however he was unable to recall them.
Soul Snack 189/12 . . . The Word Whisperer Dust furled high above the rustic fencing rails, whipped up by savage hoofs now squarely aimed at their trainer.
Soul Snack 8/25 . . . Rapid Rejection The moment strangely still. Deliberately her eyes met his.
Soul Snack 117 . . . Living with problems "When He had said this, he showed them His hands and His feet.
Soul Snack 112 . . . Water Walking 'Lord if it's you . . . tell me to come to you. 'Come,' Jesus said.
Soul Snack 96 . . . Detriment to Delight "Before I was born the Lord called me, and from my birth He has made mention of my name.
SOUL SNACK 232/12 . . . Don't blame God “…the lord be exalted who delights in the well being of His servants.