"'Christ" was never His surname!

John's gospel is loaded with reason, activity and purpose from a pre-dawn time zone.
John's gospel is loaded with reason, activity and purpose from a pre-dawn time zone.
The prince of preachers, Charles Spurgeon, 'lives on' through his written 'gold'. He was adept at distinguishing true gold from 'fool's gold'.
Truth is always the strongest argument. ~ Sophocles For truth to be 'absolute' it must be true in all times and in all places.
Do we Christians live as Scully and Mulder from the X-Files, seeking THE TRUTH THAT IS OUT THERE? It is not. THE TRUTH IS IN HERE - i. e.
Arguably the measure of Protestant confessions is the Westminster Confession of Faith, correctly it declares until Jesus' return: The whole counsel of God concerning all things necessary for .
God's Word brings life and wisdom, justice and peace. It soothes the soul and seeks out sin.
Through His Word the Lord powerfully sets before men the way of life and the way of death.
We must know the truth of Scripture so the Holy Spirit can help us discern how it applies to our life.
God's words are not just locked in culture, context or history. No such elements can explain or constrain the Holy Scriptures.
Amazing events, actions and even statistics pop up each day. Did you know: The empire state building has its own zip code.
BIBLICAL EXCAVATIONIntroductionMy Bible reading has often been one step lower than tedious.
Stripping the Bible of mans' support. Introduction Every pulpit, every week, everywhere Christians are told how to think.
The New Golden Calf Introduction If we could free ourselves from the temptation to make faith a mindless assent to a dusty pawnshop of doctrinal beliefs, we would discover...
The Paradox of Christianity IntroductionThere is a burden I bear, a heavy lament I carry as I sense these words below from Amos are as living today as yesterday.
Of Snacking and Feasting Introduction The search for God has been as extensive as history is long. Adam's expulsion from Eden guaranteed man and God would be separated.
Shooting a Holy Cow Introduction Imagine Christianity as an overcrowded farm. There are various animals grazing upon this farm, some are held in higher esteem than others.
Stoning Adam and Eve Introduction There is a world of difference between knowing the Word of God and knowing the God of the Word! ~ Leonard Ravenhill Leonard Ravenhill was correct....