A Hermit's Sweet Lesson

A hermit possesses nothing save solitude and the presence of the Lord. He neither owns his cave nor even his breath.
A hermit possesses nothing save solitude and the presence of the Lord. He neither owns his cave nor even his breath.
Trial is not only to approve, but improve. ~ Thomas Manton An elderly man continued to struggle and stumble until he topped the steep, square stairwell.
It appears that the desire for virtue by men and women may have been stronger in bygone seasons. History records their unusual pursuits, reflections and affections.
God spoke into the silence to create this world. It is from silence that the clarity of God grows.
Life is a ten meter sprint when held against eternity. There is a common destiny for all, thus reckoning eternity in truth is THE most important knowledge to grasp.
Then wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.
God has set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
It is the crucifix that men contend with. It 'nails' men to consider their own self - crucifixion.
Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. (Luke 5:16) A hermit possesses nothing save solitude and the presence of the Lord.
Since Adam and Eve's 'generosity' mankind too has chosen to 'eat' between two trees, the Tree of Life or the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil.
It just does not matter what you worship as long as you are sincere. The Bible defines correct and incorrect human behavior, it is to be as God instructs.
Mr Takagi did not see it that way. . . so he won't be joining us for the rest of his life.
What advice have you offered to one without wisdom? (Job 26:3a) Wisdom's ways are counter-cultural.
A kind hearted soul is difficult to find, a faithful one is rare. S. T. A. B. O. is now life's path across all generations in varying degrees. S.
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. . .
Thanatos is the Greek name for the the spirit of death. Its personification is the Grim Reaper. He reckons with your heart, so myth states, to gain your soul.
An unknown man falls into an unseen abyss. His life descends at an alarming rate. He catches a hanging golden thread he is whizzing past.
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (1090 - 20 August 1153) is credited with reviving Benedictine monasticism, among any other things.
ENJOY a small SoulSupply pot-pourii of eleven un-linked musings: The faith of life matters so much more than the form of life.
Now there was leaning on Jesus’ bosom one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved.
Somewhere around 430 AD Abba John traveled to Syria to consult the great Egyptian monk, Abba Poemen. He was now well advanced in years.
The unwounded life bears no resemblance to Jesus the Christ.
An unknown man falls into an unseen abyss. His life descends at an alarming rate. He catches a hanging golden thread he is whizzing past.
As arguably the finest modern Christian wordsmith, Brennan Manning's writings may well pass the test of time.
From the Sermon on the Mount to Jesus' to the final seven sayings on the cross, He taught virtue while living hardship.
The apostle Paul does not hold back when he writes: Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.
Life and hardship not one escapes. Life and hardship grasp hands, and very tightly. They always have, since mankind was banished from Eden.
Our minds dance around the delights of the eyes, or spend the lottery win before it is ever drawn. And so our soul only rolls further into restlessness.
Towering above known human boundaries was a mind given to faith and a heart that would feed it. Her feet had no choice, they could only follow.
Wide and young eyes gazed into a new distance full of wonder. As he marveled his eyes 'grew'. Unaccustomed to the expanse before his eyes, they became somewhat transfixed.
Where is love if it finds no agreement with faithfulness? Where is righteousness if peace does not rally? Love and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other.
Jesus' spilt blood was so His life and His followers lives would spell 'righteousness'. The difficulty of the journey does not define the joy of the destination.
The impossible is available to those who rely on the eternal. While the carnal rules the spiritual, evil will remain unchallenged.
In the old days, the very old days, there was a fearless 'deep-sea' pearl diver. These were the days before aqualungs.
Souls are either redeemed or unredeemed. The difference is marked. The unredeemed soul does not understand the redeemed soul.
Mankind is a multi-talented tribute to the glorious abilities of God, the only creator.
There is a competitor for each human's soul. The body returns to dust, the spirit returns to He who gave it, but the soul lives on - forever.
Ruins extend worldwide. They are the promise of a history to be remembered and learnt from, a decaying witness to yesterday and its decisions.
Even the cleverest of men rarely perceive their need to change their mind about themselves.
Mankind only travels earth for a few short years before his silver cord is severed, the golden pitcher smashed and he takes that journey he hopes is to a calm...
A snake slid into a carpentry workshop. It slithered over a wood-saw and received light wounds.
Upon whom does God's light not rise? (Job 25:3b)God's eyes fall upon the ways of all men. He knows and examines the paths they take.
When reason evades suffering (as it usually does) and life appears unfair - only 'time and chance' can add but a dissatisfying explanation.
Mercy is the door a man opens to his enemy, still knowing he need not, still knowing he continues safe from his enemy, and most notable of all - that...
'The heart of Christ desires peace' (anon), so too men. Desires of the soul trump the desires of the flesh.
The time to re-set thinking is never too soon. There are vital and life-giving thoughts belonging to those who would re-script and even resist mankind's processes of thinking.
In the hustle of life the good men can be the most hidden men. This is as it should be.
Does wealth fear any predators within a man's soul? Maybe wealth devours the mind above all other consuming desire? Is it mankind's native instinct to choose the paths that may lead to...
Can you discern the voice of false teachers? They are sure to blare on your radio, your podcast and your TV set. They may even lean on your pulpit.
Very truly I tell you Pharisees, anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber.
I wrote to the church, but Diotrophes, who loves to be first, will have nothing to do with us.
Countless seasons have waxed and waned upon their necessary reliability. These are fortunately equal to my great skill at slow learning.
Six centuries ago Martin Luther examined his heart. His report ended with ~ I more fear what is within me than what comes from without.
An empty large jar sat disused, neglected for an extended time on a kitchen shelf. It was well made and strong. The glass thicker than most.
The good Lord discriminates. His verdict is soon for earth. The harvesting sickle hovers. Mankind abhors discrimination, for he holds no discerning heart.
Israel's second king, King Solomon remains synonymous with wisdom. He was wiser than any other man. Solomon spoke 3000 proverbs, he wrote 1005 songs and also described God's creation.
Weighed down under the wicked suffering of the world's 'second-best/worst' man-flu - I thought! Honestly, it was all I could do. As almost a man-flu survivor (N. B.
Voltaire (1694 - 1778) lived dangerously. A fine thinker and author, he challenged French authority, spent two sentences in jail and lived in exile.
Proverbs speak of things hidden from men's minds, but necessary to their hearts. Proverbs can hold surprising notions and predict unseen outcomes.
Principles are a man's compass, the center lines down his roads, and the sign-posts at his life's intersections - those points of response and decision.
I saw a man now stronger and wise, noteworthy for his distance from his fellow men.
A man is formed by what informs him. Ten reflections to shape the soul within. For, from the soul arises life or death.
Proverbs lubricate a man's thinking and enquire of his soul. They can be soft or sharp truths to dwell upon, to savor as sweet or sour.
I am not perfect, but I am a limited edition. ~ anon My thoughts can define me as much as my successes honor me.
The Lord lives in secrets, canopied by deep and unsearchable things. Man can no more fathom God's mind than he will submit to the Lord's righteousness.
Children see heaven not only because they are innocent, but also incompetent. ~ Brennan Manning God has written His own divine youth project.
The story is told of an ageing lady who had waited long upon the Lord. This woman was well accustomed to stopping and stillness.
A highway winds through life's valleys, climbs the ridges and paradoxically reaches to the sky. It is both pot-holed from unimaginable weather, and then sealed again by heaven itself.
The Psalmists knew God as their life's constant, their foundations, their ever present 'go-to' person.
The choice of sacrifice is the pursuit of virtue. Both sacrifice and thus virtue Jesus chose.
Sacrifice is known as a very fearful thing. It looms as a gaping abyss upon the evangelical landscape. But, sacrifice is the spiritual life-breath to any forward-moving believer.
Money is morally neutral, but wealth wobbles. Wealth holds one of two paths. It is either a life-blesser or a life-claimer, constructive or destructive. Wealth resists restraint.
Is not the heart a spiritual commentary upon the life of its owner? Of the heart and the head there is that matter of much difference.
The smart soldier is conscious that it is unwise to lower defenses.
All who would be strong in the Lord, all who would do much for the Lord, will of priority, first seek to be much with their Lord.
A thirsting soul longs for more. Those who audit their heart in times of difficulty and not just check their head will see a soul gazing upwards to heaven.
We seek the face of those we wish to know. This is the desiring and delight of another's presence.
John the Baptist died humbly as a martyr, that Jesus might increase and he might decrease.
When my mind is soaked in a weakness (or my soul is crushed) I am unsure whether the sage rules the silly, or the silly rules the sage.
1) Righteousness is a man's only shield against judgement.
With more than a hint of courage Martin Luther peeled back the accumulated Christian thinking of the church five centuries ago. Christian knowledge and theology were most necessarily refined.
It is the heart that grips a man's walking stick, not his hands. His travels are according to his desires.
The world as it stands is at apocalyptic odds with the God of the Cross.
A disciple once approached Abba Agathon in his 'cell' (a hut or a cave where the desert monks lived) and inquired - I want to live with other brothers, tell me how...
An old man was sitting in his 'cell' (a hut or a cave where the desert monks lived) and a voice came to him which invited: come and I will show...
I saw a man who wore that shining necklace of pride. (See Psalm 73:6) Then I saw the same man both weak and knowledgeable.
My heart leaps up when I behold A rainbow in the sky: So was it when my life began; So is it now I am a man; So be it when I shall...
Sadly, I am a skilled gardener. Too often I have potted life in the rich soils of poor judgements. This dirt I have watered well and fertilized frequently.
The sage bridles his mouth before the mind dangles the tongue. Intense emotions, overwhelming feelings cause a man to speak the unthinkable, or think the unspeakable.
Through proverbs an attentive man becomes wise. He will gain the understandings of life, and draw good water from the deepest of wells.
A man's troubled journey, as he kicks this earth's dust, is to spiritual formation. The alert know this.
He who trusts in the Lord, indeed thirsts for Him, is truly blessed above all men. Each morning his heart reaches to Heaven before his head turns his hands.
A Proverb equally informs the sage or the simple alike. They are fonts of understanding.
But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.
The true way of the disciple is humility. They bow their back before they raise their hands. A disciple must be humbled before they can be cleansed.
Rocks are formidable. Even small ones fell giants. Many times rocks are described with god-like qualities. Immovable, unchallengeable and unchangeable. Firm, strong, steadfast and resilient.
Would you consider the eyes of mankind? They wander and weave through life, straining to pursue desires that satisfy a man's heart.
Eagles are the undisputed warriors of the heavens, the veterans and victors of the skies. Their wing's payloads are both the graces and judgements of God.
Mountaineering is a mind captivating extreme sport. Prior to 2007 the death rate for climbers of Mt Everest was 10%.
Eight decades ago Francis Schaeffer argued: The concept that the final reality is energy which has existed forever in some form and takes its present form by chance has totally destructive...
There is a powerful and painful education when a man chooses to learn truths about himself; he will gain wisdom, for is not such humility wisdom's father? Learning about myself: The lips...
Proverbs arouse a mind to pause and consider the wonder of what works in life, and the impotence to not know.
Proverbs prime the mind with a pithy wisdom and a seer's understanding. They are easy to remember, too valuable to forget.
Not long before Christ's birth an ancient Greek scholar Horace penned the aphorism, Carpe Diem - Seize the Day. Inspired by Horace's time-sealed footprint I paused again to ponder.
Highly desirable is the world's wealth, but it fades to bankruptcy if measured against the wealth of heaven.
Devotion places me within the house of praise, it is my temple to God. There I find blessing for my heart and spirit.
Youth don't stop, few are able to cease from their play. The elderly do stop, less able to play. There is a health between them both.
Stillness is sweet to the soul and a necessary duty to the body. It is the divine prescription for both knowledge and refreshment.
When I pause my body I also still my soul. It is then my soul reaches a safe shelter, and I can set my mind to dwell above.
In my 60th year, approaching the only birthday I have thought noteworthy - I reflected much (too much?).
As a body craves for sugar, so too the soul for that sweetness of understanding: Every morning the Lord's rich mercies are deeper than the oceans and wider than the skies....
Few men walk in the knowledge of righteousness, even fewer meditate upon its wisdom. Righteousness is disdained, lambasted and refused by good and bad men alike.
I hope you are not like me? Children are not born with an owner's manual, much to my dismay.
Childhood is life's season of blacks and whites; where simple remains simple and innocence stays so.
Proverbs are the seam between the head and the heart. Proverbs are a well of understanding, a Divine stream of wisdom.
Proverbs were first penned by the King of Wisdom - Solomon. Three millennia have washed the sundials and clock faces of earth since their writing.
My Lord spent His life to draw me out of me, that I could be in Him and He too in me.
'Knowledge comes but wisdom lingers'. ~ Calvin Coolidge Our knowledge piles up, so too its impact.
Too much of this world fills our western eyes. It is one or the other - this world doesn't fit with us or we don't fit with it.
Resentment swings as a dull grey pall above relationships. Anger then turns this grey to black. Resentment promises an unspoken vengeance.
Diotrophes has been dishonorably remembered for two thousand years because he loved to be first. Not a pleasing epitaph. (See 3 John 9) Self-promotion is not an original thought.
Could this be true: good company is easier to choose than bad company is to lose? The Lord offers these tips on choosing friends: 1) A righteous man is cautious in friendship, but...
Mankind sings himself hoarse to his own changing tunes. He dances in Babylon but refuses join hands with Jerusalem. The libraries of this world become our kitchens.
Could these following affirmations just be droplets from heaven? Maybe they are the true drip of Divine reality, YES - to the souls so caught up in what is highly valued...
Familiar and comfortably proud lives blanket the western world, selfishly sculpted by ambition and desires.
Soul Snack 189/14 . . . Impatience is first bound in the agony of a man's soul. The impatient man seeks to salve his soul with immediate well-being.
Soul Snack 188/14 . . . The helmet of covetousness crowns many a man's thinking. It is the ongoing expression of dissatisfaction.
Soul Snack 187/14 . . . The shirt of discontentment is woven with prickly threads, it irritates the soul.
Soul Snack 186/14 . . . Rest is the life-long chase of all souls. Rest is stolen when wickedness punctures the soul.
Soul Snack 182/14 . . . Sweeping with a tiresome regularity across each man are life's changes and chances. There are days of joy and days of sadness.
Soul Snack 159/14 . . . A young man ripped and fit as a fiddle stood nearby.
Soul Snack 158/14 . . . What has been built will be broken. What has been found will be lost. What has been done will be undone.
Soul Snack 80/14 . . . Humility is becoming what you have despised and realising that you were wrong.
Soul Snack 79/14 . . . Life's treasures are never found by the strivings of the body, only the strivings in the soul.
Soul Snack 78/14 . . . Time is more precious than wealth.
Soul Snack 77/14 . . . Of learning there is no end, of lust there is no satisfaction, but from love there is life forever.
Soul Snack 76/14 . . . Man has exchanged all kinds of wild adventure for only pictures of what could have been.
Soul Snack 21/14 . . . All I ask is the chance to prove that money won't make me happy.
Soul Snack 191/13 . . . Perfection upon earth?A certain elderly Christian man approached another and enquired, I am indeed already dead unto the world.
Soul Snack 122/13 . . . Life's Pursuits What has been found will be lost. What has been assembled will be broken. What has been done will be undone.
Soul Snack 34/12 . . . God's Two Measurements of Life There are kernels in most lives that seek to sprout purpose.
Soul Snack 126/13 . . . Betterment The happy have little cause to examine their life. The wealthy always desire more.