Forced by Destiny

Destiny forces all men to face a future that can never be known until it is met. Tomorrow is as insecure as yesterday is now past.
Destiny forces all men to face a future that can never be known until it is met. Tomorrow is as insecure as yesterday is now past.
The face that a child wears is their own face.
How would you sum-up this year now past? An ending invites an assessment, a steady gaze over the shoulder.
Predictions and Old Testament prophecies echo, these are most familiar to the throng. Jesus parades before His people. A great crowd gathers for it is the Passover Feast.
What do you want to achieve? Greater riches? Cheaper chicken? A happier life, a longer life? Is it power over your neighbors that you are after? Are you running away...
'Hide & Seek' is a timeless child's play. Each new generation re-creates this game with shouted small variations of coming ready or not.
There exists a school of thought that accepts God has retired. It is Deism. He was at first a cosmic clock-maker, created the world and wound it up.
Non-conformist Mark Twain was correct. Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities - truth isn't.
Does Christmas glitter too much? Jack London (1876-1916) is described as a pioneer of commercial American fiction, he penned: The proper function of a man is to live, not to exist....
The presence of Christmas is 'electrifying' the air. So, what causes the 'electrification'? God's Son drops in to earth.
An unusual reflection upon Christmas. Esau and Jacob are not usually considered relevant to the wonderful pageant of Christmas. 'The brothers grim' would be a far more accurate description.
Leonard Ravenhill and A. W. Tozer are familiar names to regular readers.
Ghosts and goblins, skeletons and skulls are the order of the day . . . horror is fun while death is a game . . .
Humility enters these fresh days of 2023 desiring to walk the paths of righteousness for His names sake. (Psalm 23:3) 2023 is not a further season for self-promotion.
The year we now possess is likely to be a year of hills and valleys.
There are blessings, but not all are easy. Our good Lord's proffers a heavy challenge to you and I each day.
"It wasn't enough to see the angels, the shepherds wanted to see the One who sent them.
Pause for a moment, yes, even at Christmas. Unwrap your heart. Search for this baby Jesus.
The significance of an occasion, enhances or diminishes its preparation. Curiously God prepares for His only Son's birth with first another birth.
Absolutely everything around the Christmas narrative bellows from the cradle to the cross: humility. That first Christmas signals humility's original entry to mankind.
Inscribed on the wall of Mother Teresa's childrens' home in Calcutta is 'ANYWAY'. 'ANYWAY' is a refreshing poem of life giving values. 'ANYWAY' echoes much of Christ's giving.
The shepherds were men on a mission from God. Lets go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about. . .
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. . .
New Year, worldwide, provides a catalyst to wash away last year, and plan this next year for further betterment.
Sayonara 2021! For twenty-four months Covid has dominated all human life, for good - but far more for ill.
Into the muddled middle classes, the struggling poor and even the wealthy, each Christmas Day Father-God still speaks loudly and gently.
The angel went to her and said, 'Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.
Where is the one who was born King of the Jews? We saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him.
Across millennia Bible readers have shuddered, particularly Old Testament readers. Who can read translated Hebrew names with ease? Araunah, Jeshebeah and Joshbekasah are but a few to trip over.
Joseph . . . did what the Lord's angel had told him to do.
What if you follow a star and find a stable? What happens when all of a sudden, after thinking that something grand and glorious awaits, you end up in a backyard...
So Joseph went up from the town of Nazareth . . . to Bethlehem. He went there to register with Mary . . .
Old habits die hard. The road of return is easy. Peter was departing his call and returning to his old ways as a fisherman for fish.
An already heaving Messiah wept in Gethsemane. It was just one night prior to His crucifixion.
Is Christianity just a decoration, or is there reality back of it? ~ A. W.
A dark Muslim stronghold will soon welcome a bold, young Christian family to serve the Lord of Eternal Life - for they have considered their life not their own.
Mankind is sure to meet Jesus, either as a sinner or a saint. NOTE - the Lordship of Christ is neither optional nor negotiable.
To endure in hope through darkness is an easy task to flee - but we must stand.
The panoramic views of Babylon always entice . . . The nightly news of Babylon continually saddens . . .
Have we already experienced 2021? Is 2020 coming again? Take out 2020 and substitute 2021.
So long 2020! Could 202I be the year that this earth collectively 'catches its breath'? Unity has come to the globe through such hope.
Don't spoil my Christmas, many maybe thinking. The year of Covid still threatens health, incapacity, a deep loneliness and death. Yes, Covid can spoil Christmas.
If you look for Me at Christmas You won't need a special star I'm no longer just in Bethlehem I'm right there where you are You may not be aware of Me Amid the celebrations You'll...
That night the Lord was born every spiritual and earthly realm was shaken. Powers and principalities were stirred, common man was ignorant. The uncommon weren't.
Unnoteworthy events of antiquity rise to be the stunning events of history. The unjust events of the past become the world changing fodder of millennia.
Each New Year we open a fresh book, its pages are blank. These pages beckon our thoughts, ways and decisions to fill them in.
Ending a decade and beginning a new one offers a brief opportunity to reflect upon a spiritual crop sown.
Pleasantly I sit under a slowly whirring ceiling fan, and ponder.
Hopes are yet again set alight and wishes for a fresh goodness bubble within - because the new year is celebrated, A blessing and prayer to ponder, and then to equip your...
When the days are uncertain the wise seek the good Lord. Very recently some timely guidance caught my attention.
When the Lord Jesus has become your peace, remember, there is another thing: good will towards men. Do not try to keep Christmas without good will towards men.
Inhospitable places to humans are the rich soils for eternity! Elijah rose from a mountainous Gilead, John the Baptist was groomed in the desert, Jesus was born in a stable! Into His...
Annually the world slides into Christmas. Its eyes glow steadily brighter as December 25 approaches.
Where is the sage, who is the oracle to these times? Who can discern darkness within light? Where is the wise watchman who speaks up? All that glitters is not gold - equally,...
We Christians are like the frog in lukewarm water, not noticing that the temperature is rising.
Would you give your son a snake when he asked for fish? Would you give your daughter a scorpion if she requested an egg? Why then would we honor the serpent of...
Countless fine lives have bequeathed far more than a decaying, crusty headstone. There is good reason for this.
New years are captured by the will to re-build, that heart to improve.
1) Righteousness is a man's only shield against judgement.
As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people both now and for evermore.
Firstly, a BIG THANK YOU to the many SoulSupply subscribers who offer feedback and thanks.
Is there a fearsome gun-toting believer who will free the baby Jesus to face His world? Jesus needs to be liberated from the manger and lifted from the hay.
Nature abhors a vacuum, so into the spiritual vacuum of mankind's soul Halloween spills.
'Halloween kickstarts our annual extended welcome to the souls of the departed' ~ Elizabeth Farrelly. She knows not Jesus, but is sure correct on this point.
That night the Lord was born every spiritual and earthly realm was shaken. Heaven broke into our shackles of time and space.
Desires drive the man above their reason. He who can harness their emotions will never be driven into their traps. Settle the heart of 2015 today.
And the Lord spoke to me: To those distracted or disabled, the fearful or the faithful I have this to say to you - no year, no breath, no relationship, no...
The city synonymous with love bleeds red tears of pain. The free world weeps in unison.
Soul Snack 249/14 . . . Tomorrow is as insecure as yesterday is now past. The New Year always approaches with uncertainties, lingering fears; both thieves rest.
Soul Snack 230/14 . . . The world mocks the Lord's birth and laughs at the promise of His return.
Soul Snack 212/14 . . . Where there is waiting there is something to hope for.
After 9 years SoulSupply still lives its slogan. It was this faith led conviction that gave SoulSupply life: THE IMPOSSIBLE IS AVAILABLE TO THOSE WHO RELY ON THE ETERNAL.
Soul Snack 147/12 . . . Been there - done that! Even Heaven has been worn by the grind of hard labor.
Soul Snack S5/10 . . . Rapture Capture First, He captures my body. Second, He captures my mind. (He then has my attention!) Then He captures my heart.
Soul Snack S4/10 . . . Whose Times? The self-sufficient arrogance of temporal independence is really ignorance in disguise. It is a true blindness to absolute reality.
Soul Snack 178/12 . . . Soaked in Sorrow? Indelible, imprinted and ingrained in all are the varying seasons of sorrow. Sorrow assaults the spirit and weakens the body.