Longing for Jesus

. . . He knows the way that I take; where He has tested me, I will come forth as gold.
. . . He knows the way that I take; where He has tested me, I will come forth as gold.
They travel lightly whom God's grace carries. ~ Thomas a Kempis Satan is adept at sending fires, lions or concealing spiritual land mines.
Where is the soft spirit, the quiet eyes or the easy touch of warm support? Scanning the tabloids, listening to the daily news or watching soul-numbing sitcoms there appears little room...
Righteousness dwells at the root of all virtue. It is the mother lode of virtue.
A view of Mt. Tabor in Israel, believed to be one of two possible locations for Jesus' transfiguration. . . .
The above image is Mt. Hermon in north Israel, one of two possible sites where Jesus was transfigured. Mt. Tabor is the alternative.
The Lord, sitting on His throne, one day gazed down to earth. As He sat there He chose a particularly diligent servant for a task.
It appears that the desire for virtue by men and women may have been stronger in bygone seasons. History records their unusual pursuits, reflections and affections.
An ancient Roman sage, Quintilian, said of some in his time that they might have become excellent scholars had they not been so persuaded of their scholarship already.
God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. (1 Peter 5:5b) Since satan's expulsion from the heavenly halls mankind has stood firm with shoulders held back.
It is better to lose a lover than love a loser. ~ anon Dominique Voillaume lived, died and proved the opposite of the above bankrupt myth.
There is certainly an inequity, but is there too an injustice when those free from handicap reap honor from their 'natural' health, yet the handicapped are 'ineligible'? #The following text in...
The ageing, highly polished floorboards hardly groan. A young lithe figure steps forward. Elegant in her school uniform, she confidently mounts the stage Phones are out.
Martin Luther was right. He orchestrated (among many other contributers) The Reformation.
The way of holiness is the way of heavenly wealth. ~ Charles Spurgeon Be holy as I am holy.
When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with...
It is both a great and troubling thing to travel with Jesus on His terms, to name Him as Lord.
This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at My word. (Isaiah 66:2b) Jesus led the way in the humility stakes.
Jonah now learns how to bend the knee even in the belly of a monstrous fish. In my distress I called to the Lord, and He answered me.
Jonah was mighty soon to become jetsam. Distress counseled a low heart to obey. Jonah was soon to learn to not forfeit grace. Murmurs of grace multiply.
Barren Hannah held a dry womb, but rich faith. The bitterness of her soul did not jettison her faith.
I wanted to know so much more of this God who would pour His grace and mercy on me. You didn't deserve the wounds you have in your heart.
A simple but accurate separation is: Grace is receiving a betterment not owed to you. BUT: Mercy is not receiving a punishment owed to you.
To pick up where we had left off. . . Children are the very breath of humility.
Humility enters these fresh days of 2023 desiring to walk the paths of righteousness for His names sake. (Psalm 23:3) 2023 is not a further season for self-promotion.
'You gave me life and showed me kindness, and in Your care You watched over my life'. (Job 10:12) Discipline is easy for me to swallow. Logical to assimilate.
Clergy are no longer the keeper of the keys. Amidst all the centuries since Christ, Christians live in an increasingly charmed season.
What advice have you offered to one without wisdom? (Job 26:3a) Wisdom's ways are counter-cultural.
Grace is dousing the right to fight. Grace is not a thirst for justice but a hunger for mercy. Grace is the engine-room of forgiveness.
'Grace' appears 118 times in the New Testament, and is supported by another ten times in the Old Testament.
Grace is an attractive quality to any life, however both saints and sinners often fail to grasp it.
Nails and the crown of thorns are a clear reality that screams G. R. A. C. E. They are best held close to the trusting heart.
Ordinary men can live by grace not by performance when each become familiar with the Savior nailed on our cross.
'Grace' is not a stand alone virtue. The righteous act of Jesus first in Gethsemane and then on Golgotha made 'grace' available to all of mankind.
He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble His way. (Psalm 25:9) It is in humility that men seek the Throne of Grace.
Recently I had the honor to sit with an elderly gent, he was well past his three score years and ten. He opened his heart.
Faith lives. Faith, like a muscle, grows by stretching. ~ A. W. Tozer It is a spiritual organism, much the same as physical organisms. Faith feels.
Be humble, lest you stumble. ~ D. L. Moody Humility is the healing from pride. It rejoices in obscurity.
Countless seasons have waxed and waned, each rolling forward in a pre-ordained reliability. Seasons too carry their own pre-ordained lessons.
No true Christian carries a velvet cross. ~ John Flavel The pure and true knowledge of God is to convict a man to obedience.
Out of the overflow of the Divine heart love is poured, but this is not His gospel. The gospel is caused by love, but love is not its fabric.
Sometimes I shudder like an Eskimo without an igloo. . .
A desert monk, Abba Daniel (circa 400 AD) taught: Upon an invitation a monk attended the house of a woman possessed by the devil.
"Peace is such a precious jewel that I would give anything for it but the truth".
It is grace alone that means we aren't all washed up in sin.
'Boasting is always an advertisement to self-poverty' - anon. Or is it really? 'Boast' appears in Scripture ninety-three times. (NIV -UK version).
For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
'The highest branch is not the safest root. ' ~ anon The hearts of men beat tainted and stained by the irrepressible desire for glory.
The highly polished floorboards hardly groan. A young lithe figure steps lightly forward. Elegant in her school uniform, she mounts the stage with grace.
There are no thrones I can approach, nor stately doors drawn open should I knock. Yet grace permits me, NO - indeed invites me to approach Heaven's throne.
Many a soul and heart burns in goodness, but this goodness may require an energetic stirring to become visible.
When pride and pain meet it is an unspoken blessing (not burden).
Could we have our whole theology of money upside down? Matthew 6:19–34 reminds us that our financial burden belongs to the Lord.
Let another praise, and not your own mouth; someone else and not your own lips.
Every man should have a fair-sized cemetery in which to bury the faults of his friends.
God's grace opens heaven's doors to men, that they may each be trained in righteousness.
In the Bible we find the concept of ‘mystery’ as something once hidden but now revealed. The apostle Paul writes in 1 Timothy 3:16 . . .
From an unknown but understanding source: God allows enemies to rise up to mirror our own behavior.
Souls are either redeemed or unredeemed. The difference is marked. The unredeemed soul does not understand the redeemed soul.
The world awaits you, it is to each man his oyster. When an irritant enters an oyster's shell its natural reaction is to cover the speck and protect itself.
My tomorrow is not safe from my proud decisions today. It is in my best interests to have learned this yesterday.
'Men give advice, God gives guidance. ' ~ Leonard RavenhillA daily prayer for the humble: Lord You are my light and my salvation. . .
There exists a rather unknown character in Jewish history named Hathach - he 'saved' Israel.
Imagine all the people living in peace. . . (John Lennon) Imagine all the future when night and war is lost. . .
'Grist' literally means grain to be ground. 'Grace builders' are those unpleasant, persistent times and people that grind 'the living daylights out of you'.
From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another. (John 1:16) Grace is the heartbeat of every Christian endeavour.
The virtue of 'holiness' is an anathema to common man. They rush headlong into the search for acceptance, a thirst for approval.
Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Mercy is the door a man opens to his enemy, still knowing he need not, still knowing he continues safe from his enemy, and most notable of all - that...
In the hustle of life the good men can be the most hidden men. This is as it should be.
'It was pride that changed the angels into devils; it is humility that makes men angels. ' ~ AugustinePride is my firmest deceiver, it persists within my heart.
Is there a greater test upon the human mettle than honor? All mankind is tempted toward conceit - more so those who do not reckon with self, or hold great skills...
Every minute of everyday another Christian's spiritual economy stalls. The debits are too frequent, and the interest rates are unsustainable.
Pride is blind! Pride makes men strong and mean. It is a wicked strength and a terrible taskmaster. Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892) reflected on the hypocrisy of pride.
Countless seasons have waxed and waned upon their necessary reliability. These are fortunately equal to my great skill at slow learning.
Warmly his eyes smiled. Gentle fingers curled around a golden miniature Buddha. A captured heart and focussed mind knelt with great care before this slight statue.
Scripture records Moses with an exceptional honor, as the most humble man upon the face of the earth.
I saw a man now stronger and wise, noteworthy for his distance from his fellow men.
Take care that the world does hate you, that it hates you without cause.
There is no call to a natural life, or even an unnatural life for any Jesus follower.
There is always that battle within to forgive. You try to forgive, but the hurt raises its ugly head again.
John the Baptist died humbly as a martyr, that Jesus might increase and he might decrease.
Am I correct? . . . The people most likely to turn up enthusiastically to a school reunion are those who have 'made good' in life.
A tattered urchin grins through broken teeth to a well-dressed gent. Grubby hands wishfully hold an outstretched hat. Almost unintelligible words add color to this scene.
An old man was sitting in his 'cell' (a hut or a cave where the desert monks lived) and a voice came to him which invited: come and I will show...
I saw a man who wore that shining necklace of pride. (See Psalm 73:6) Then I saw the same man both weak and knowledgeable.
Sadly, I am a skilled gardener. Too often I have potted life in the rich soils of poor judgements. This dirt I have watered well and fertilized frequently.
Two friends were walking through the desert. During some point in the journey they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other in the face.
It hasn't happened yet. . . God intends for righteousness and praise to rise before every nation. The nations have chosen the ways of wickedness, they slander Heaven.
The true way of the disciple is humility. They bow their back before they raise their hands. A disciple must be humbled before they can be cleansed.
Rocks are formidable. Even small ones fell giants. Many times rocks are described with god-like qualities. Immovable, unchallengeable and unchangeable. Firm, strong, steadfast and resilient.
Is not the search for a superior love the compass to life? After all, mankind is first made in the image of He whose fabric is love.
Grace is the Divine space module built with Jesus' torn hands to take humans home. There is no charge and seating is already reserved for free.
In the winter of 1935, the United States reeled from the throes of the Great Depression. Fiorello La Guardia presided as New York's mayor during those dark days.
Just three days ago 'DA BOSS' inched lazily past me in his white muscle car. 'DA BOSS' license plates were his megaphone.
In 2012 cyclist Lance Armstrong (the doping cheat) sprinted not to fame, but to shame. His name is forever recorded in history as synonymous with shame.
Being righteous is better than being right. Living humbly is better than losing friends. Eight thoughts to keep friends or restore them: 1) Overlook offence.
"A little child cannot do bad coloring; nor can a child of God do bad prayer.
Jesus comes for outcasts, the unacceptable and those with shattered dreams. He dreams of the accused, the abused and the angry - as His friends.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for all those times that You have strengthened me when I was under trial, given me wisdom when in a difficult situation, or empowered me...
My Lord spent His life to draw me out of me, that I could be in Him and He too in me.
Is everything I think I am, I am not really? Does my spirit of pride still lie to me, seduce me and puff me up? How can I know? Surely a...
It was in Bethlehem, not Jerusalem, that Jesus was born. Bethlehem was a poor town, where many people lived in modified caves.
The Power of the Lord's Presence is available to the humble. The larger the gap between the believer and God, the more space possible for satan to enter.
Bible greats dwelt for short or extended periods in caves. Elijah, King David, Lazarus, John the Apostle and of course our Lord all passed through caves.
Gifts should frequent and delight all lives. They can be a lowered draw-bridge to join the gap of troubled relationships. Mankind's widest gap is from his creator. . .
God's mercies He still delivers fresh and free every morning.
Bear with me please, just for a moment? A simple random guess I offer - on at least one weary morning you have shaken a foggy head clear while the dawn...
I shall never forget the morning that I spent in my church reading an old musty book that I had discovered in my library on the subject of: "The Higher...
Grace is to be celebrated. Grace is life's most attractive virtue. Grace continues as the Divine rescue flooding His planet - all the more as wickedness abounds.
Planet earth is dressed in as many different personalities as there are individuals. The ply of human thinking categorises (judges?) people. We each do this with a culpable regularity.
Forgiveness is swimming against an emotional tide, even a flood. Forgiveness is a wrestle of the soul many refuse to enter, to their own destruction.
At its core, forgiveness remains unfair. There is something unjust about a person's dastardly deeds going unpunished. In the final analysis, forgiveness is an act of faith.
Flooding Christian bookstores, pulpits and unthinking Christian minds is the hyper-grace heresy.
The pattern of this world is easy to live with, it blankets the planet. As nationalities take up arms, likewise individuals rise against each other.
Is the soul parched and the spirit cracked? Has repetition at worship dulled your praise? Could the absence of personal devotion be a stealth attack to your faith? Maybe all the above, or...
In a very personal letter last century C. S Lewis reflected: During my afternoon meditations I have found out ludicrous and terrible things about my own character.
I am aging a bit. (Well - just a mildish understatement.
Do you feel your name is written in the heavens but only scribbled upon earth? Does your very existence cry out for God's presence, thirsting with the deer and knowing your...
Grace is the leaven that each life rises upon. Without grace life can only further descend into the hollowness of my rights and the destructiveness of sin.
Scanning the tabloids, listening to the daily news or watching soul-numbing sitcoms there appears little room for gentleness, little honor for the tender person.
To laugh and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false...
A study from 2013 reported that women spend an average of $15,000 on make-up in a life time.
Around 3,500 years ago the Lord described Moses as the most humble upon the face of the earth. Today he is still the man to mimic.
Alfred Deakin was a rare person. He lived a life where each chapter began with one outstanding achievement or another.
A fear washes my soul. Am I becoming disagreeable? Where there is tolerance so will there be rebellion, for righteousness is never defended by the wicked name of tolerance.
There is nothing new under the sun. What transpired two thousand years ago is repeated to this day.
Once upon a time (about three centuries ago really) the firebrand pulpiteer Jonathon Edwards melted pride and chastened souls with his timeless sermon - Sinners in the hands of an...
Ok you are not a Conan O'Brien; this thought causes you little distress or maybe the opposite? But in reality you DO know that you don't share your brother's and sister's...
#God is above all relational within Himself and invites us into that same relationship, and not as a whimpering poorer person not quite of the family, but as an equal...
SoulSnacks over the next three days are the products of an ongoing discussion with a subscriber.
God does not keep a record of wrongs. Sadly, that’s a job we give ourselves.
Apply the mind to honor humility that the knees may follow. The humble seek to lead an inverted life.
God has steadfastly refused to leave His creation unattended, or release His world to the pervasive darkness of evil.
There are four events that have forever changed mankind's history. They usher in fresh seasons of grace for all who are willing to receive.
Whilever I seek my glory I foolishly condemn myself to failure. This is the crafting of me as a direct competitor to God. We are always exalting ourselves.
Heaven's title deeds and rewards are held by three peoples. They are: the poor in spirit, (Matthew 5:3)those persecuted because of righteousness (Matthew 5:11-12) and little children (Matthew 18:3-4).
Escaping the crowds, Jesus scaled a mountainside and sat. This was at the start of His earthly ministry.
Meek people refuse to be controlling people, it is likely that 'control' rarely enters their mind. They are accepting, gracious and travelling the extra mile people.
I pen this as a rampant outsider that trusts maybe, that's right just maybe, the good Lord may introduce me some day to be an insider.
In a world moulded by gold it is yet to learn the most important things can never be bought.
Weakness is the conduit to self-crucifixion. Whilever I continue strong in myself I have the energy to fight self-crucifixion.
Holy Scripture cries out to us, brothers, saying: everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. . .
God is entirely extravagant, even wanton in how He spends His grace. God recklessly abandons it to bankrupt souls.
Satan hides this. We miss it. God then becomes ignored, or worse still, blamed. God has not short-changed us. He has not withheld grace.
Wickedness is on meteoric increase. It is broadcast by both the media and perpetrators shamelessly to the world.
Circa 1570 a humble nun had been requested to write. She felt uneducated, certainly unaccustomed to such invitations she humbly protested. But her master prevailed.
There remains conflict twixt earth and heaven, between a man's body and a man's soul. This struggle is painfully evident in the redeemed soul.
Familiar and comfortably proud lives blanket the western world, selfishly sculpted by ambition and desires.
Soul Snack 242/14 . . . Inhospitable places to humans are the richest soils of eternity.
Soul Snack 236/14 . . . Consider please: The mundane events of antiquity become the stunning events of history.
Soul Snack 200/14 . . . The true story is told of an insane royal braggart who became a beggar.
Soul Snack 196/14 . . . Confessors of the Lord slip from the climb to heaven or drop out of the Tree of Life in a reckless abandon.
Regrets - I've had a few, crooned Frank Sinatra in his 1969 hit tune "I Did It My Way".
Soul Snack 190/14 . . . It is a painfully wicked life to wear the holey trousers of despair.
Soul Snack 186/14 . . . Rest is the life-long chase of all souls. Rest is stolen when wickedness punctures the soul.
Soul Snack 181/14 . . . The hurdled has been leapt, pride swallowed and knees bent in a sorrowful repentance.
Soul Snack 180/14 . . . Beware the pride of prayer. Audit the performance of public displays, or the inner comparisons to others during private devotions.
Soul Snack 120/14 . . . Grace is dousing the right to fight. Grace is not a thirst for justice but a hunger for mercy.
Soul Snack 114/14 . . . Boomerangs are an iconic hunting weapon of the Australian aborigine, crafted from wood.
Soul Snack 102/14 . . . Pride is running block on God. It is the spiritual sidearm of those devoted to falling and foolishness. The proud shoot the humble.
Soul Snack 100/14 . . . Grace is never a license to sin. It is no mere permission or validation for further offense to God.
Soul Snack 99/14 . . . Jesus descended to the world of shattered dreams. He had long dreamt of the accused, the abused and the angry as His friends.
A jaded, humble or accurate Mark Twain (maybe all) summarily dismissed humankind on countless occasions - one such dismissal was: The human race is a race of cowards; and I am...
Soul Snack 98/14 . . . The entry to this world is marked with a cry. There is an odyssey of heartache that all will embark upon.
Soul Snack 80/14 . . . Humility is becoming what you have despised and realising that you were wrong.
Soul Snack 56/14 . . . There can remain a hidden pride in the long-redeemed heart, or long-suffering forgiven soul.
Soul Snack 17/14 . . . ALL IS GRACE. To much contemporary Christian thinking, grace has become a license.
Soul Snack 229/13 . . . Of Worthlessness For those who have lived around, or even within the trash cans of life. . .
Soul Snack 204/13 . . . Leonard's Light Pride has come and gotten in the way of my life. It has stolen my life from me.
Soul Snack 185/13 . . . The 2nd Chance Key During the 7th Century BC, legislator Draco was first to bring written laws to ancient Greece.
Soul Snack 75/13 . . . Resurrecting Sodom With one hand God is motioning man to come to Him, with the other hand He is holding back His wrath.
Soul Snack 69/13 . . . Of Eskimos & Twitter Sometimes I shudder like an Eskimo without an igloo. . .
Soul Snack 27/13 . . . Faultfinders and Grumblers There is one for every grain of sand. There is one for every word ever written.
Soul Snack 100/12 . . . Of Science & things To the knowledgeable, the self-confident, the talented, the self-made and the purposefully proud an anonymous anecdote. . .
Soul Snack 70/12 . . . Abiding in Peace - B Floating permanently upon the shallow pond of life is the gilded lily of God's love.
Soul Snack 44/12 . . . To the repeat offender Sin is hypocrisy to the Christian, repeated sin is relentless hypocrisy.
Soul Snack 40/12 . . . 'Grace-land' Elvis Presley had a home he called Graceland.
Soul Snack 177/12 . . . Of Grace & Graves We have all made our bed but 2000 years God had lain on it in the grave.
Soul Snack 26/12 . . . All is Grace#At the end there is always grace.
Soul Snack 6/12 . . . Hounded for Humility For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled and he who humbles himself will be exalted.
Soul Snack 195/11 . . . Grasped Grace Lord, the nicest thing about you is that you always think better of us than we think of oursleves.
Soul Snack 189/11 . . . The pleading of the sober Lord, there's something I have to discuss with you.
Soul Snack 93/11 . . . Glory thieves A war in heaven left heaven significantly less populated (Rev. 12:7-8).
Soul Snack 79/10 . . . Infinite GraceCascading daily across our souls is Heaven's generous grace. Some souls require larger quantities, but all souls require some.
Soul Snack 38/11 . . . Pride's Place The courageous and the coward are welcome at the Throne of Grace.
Soul Snack 4/11 . . . God's Absence To the wilful, the proud, the self-made and the over-confident . . .
Soul Snack 168/10 . . . The Small only enjoys the Big His pure faithfulness is the secure foundation of His firmanent. . . .
Soul Snack 133/10 . . . Life's Cement Residing in the vestibule of our minds is the imagination of blessing or burden.
Soul Snack 77/10 . . . Relentless Grace Grace is: salve to my soul, a handkerchief to a broken spirit, the glue of relationship and the reason I breath.
Rhythms of Grace As I was reading my Bible I came across this very familiar passage: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I...
Soul Snack 65/10 . . . The Place of Grace. At dawn each day no-one can know what awaits them.
Soul Snack 17/10 . . . The Red Carpet Watch The Sydney Morning Herald carries a regular feature called "Red Carpet Watch".
Soul Snack 5/10 . . . Mind Grace! In this world it is so simple to think 'criticism' and not think 'Christ'.
SOUL SNACK 9/130 . . . Grace laden gumtrees! The vista of snow laden gumtrees beckoned an irresistible stare.
Soul Snack 9/129 . . . Spelling G. R. A. C. E. ! There is a sensible and delightful young lady named Grace.
Soul Snack 9/85 . . . Future Grace - Now! Walking up the Mt of Olives surely terror was in His heart and betrayal on His mind.
Soul Snack 9/71 . . . Staggering Grace! Lightning is about 3 times hotter than our Sun.
Soul Snack 9/15 . . . The Trust Table The fickle fancies of relationships can either compel or dispel trust.
Soul Snack S13 . . . God's Mirror A woolly and dishevelled vagrant silently sat.
Soul Snack 8/217 . . . Grace GrowthPicture the nearly desperate scene! There is a quiet shouting among the stewards.
Soul Snack 8/216 . . . Completing Grace The season for grace is now upon us. The season for judgement is yet to be unleashed.
Soul Snack 8/215 . . . Old Grace gives New Life Engaging the eyes and energising desires are the things that are new.
Soul Snack 8/124 . . . Superior Independence Time reasonably available, distractions pleasantly absent. Softly, carefully and patiently she speaks to this struggling and fragile student.
Soul Snack 8/102 . . . Chewing Gum! Undivided attention greeted every glance. Many sat almost transfixed before him, 'consuming' every word, examining each movement.
Soul Snack 8/91 . . . The Unseen Apprenticeship He was dreadfully unaccustomed to sitting quietly. He knew the breadth of his knowledge was hardly surpassed.
Soul Snack 8/87 . . . God's Classroom Classrooms are the domain of the needy. Classrooms are the source of their future.
Soul Snack 8/80 . . . 2 Keys 2 Self Residing in gained self understanding is a pleasant future and a now wisely guarded past.
Soul Snack 8/19 . . . OWNING HEAVEN “Show me O Lord my life's end, and the number of my days, let me know how fleeting my life is.
Soul Snack 8/16 . . . The Simple Heart "the Lord protects the simple hearted" (Ps 116:6a) God declares His interests, His hands are open, His values so self-evident.
Soul Snack 8/1 . . . Unwanted CompanyIf deep distress visits regularly then it is accompanied by a most undesired companion, sadness. Delight is absent.
Soul Snack 110 . . . Grasping Identity 'I baptize with water,' John replied, 'but among you stands one who you do not know.
SOUL SNACK 50 . . . A Permanent Grace “I will bring back my exiled people…" Amos 9:14a Gauge your circumstances. Reflect on your resources.
SOUL SNACK 25 . . . God's Traveling Companions“…whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
SOUL SNACK 136/13 . . . Has the distaste of harsh criticism anointed your days of trouble or pierced your soul? . . .
Soul Snack 75 . . . The Peace Process 'Be completely gentle and humble, bearing one another in love. Make every effort to keep. . . unity. . .