Oracles for a new century

Sages are men of an unusual wisdom, gifted and necessary oracles for their time. The Christian 'oracle' our Lord calls - prophets.
Sages are men of an unusual wisdom, gifted and necessary oracles for their time. The Christian 'oracle' our Lord calls - prophets.
The Ark of Noah was God's appointed vessel of salvation. "Mankind is in love with iniquity. " ~ A. W.
"Prophets are God's emergency men for crisis hours.
Nurture is an outcome of love. This is divine. Our Father in heaven is both father and mother.
Leonard Ravenhill and A. W. Tozer are familiar names to regular readers.
Pure christian faith steps out of the boat without any visible means of support. A young and impulsive Peter first modeled this.
The secret things belong to the Lord our God. . . (Deuteronomy 29:29) I AM LEADING YOU STEP BY STEP, through your life.
An unknown man falls into an unseen abyss. His life descends at an alarming rate. He catches a hanging golden thread he is whizzing past.
Sifting is always associated with a cleansing loss. It is a process ensuring that the end product is purer than the original one.
The humbling plain and pain of Christian waiting upon God becomes the place where incompetence meets omnipotence.
And the good Lord would say to those willing to stop and to listen: Label Me as your 'lover'. I AM the ONLY righteous lover to mankind.
I stand on a beach. The ocean is before me stretching out to the next continent.
God's eyes beam down from heaven, and He smiles yet again. He rejoices in virtue.
An unknown man falls into an unseen abyss. His life descends at an alarming rate. He catches a hanging golden thread he is whizzing past.
Therefore the Lord has kept ready the calamity and brought it upon us, for the Lord our God is righteous in all the works He has done, and we have...
"We have spread so many ashes over the historical Jesus that we scarcely feel the glow of His presence anymore.
This world and its protestant church careens headlong in a downward spiral of devaluing sin, diluting it. Too little a sense of righteousness is measured, or even considered.
Heaven is no longer torn by war or assailed by pride. Long ago satan was expelled to earth.
Fortunately the Lord's mind and heart is not as mankind's. God calls the weak and the weary, the unschooled and the ordinary people of His world.
It can be most difficult to be silent. Words roll off the lips, and the mouth can move far quicker than the mind.
Scholars are the tradesmen of the intellect. They are the go-to-lords in their own areas of expertise.
An empty large jar sat disused, neglected for an extended time on a kitchen shelf. It was well made and strong. The glass thicker than most.
What is now being lost to countless Christians? Could modern Christendom's greatest malaise be not listening to Jesus? (This was certainly an issue God had with Jesus' selected inner core - Peter,...
When the days are uncertain the wise seek the good Lord. Very recently some timely guidance caught my attention.
The Lord feeds His own, those He sets aside - differently. So Elijah did what the Lord had told him.
Could the doctrine of the church be as much a competitor for the souls of men as a caress to them? I fear the doctrine of the church.
Joseph was twice betrayed, first by his brothers and then again by his boss' wife.
You've tumbled and been tripped, an ax has come against your trunk and gales have blown you over. . .
There are only two seats of learning. The first seat is in a college with many instructors. Here there are equally many and contrary opinions.
Hot air balloons, many of them, floated high amongst the clouds. They were all brightly colored, against a sky of perfect pale blue.
My head leans toward what is common to man, and thus is uncommon to God. I mimic my teachers. The world and its churches are my loudest classrooms.
An unknown man falls down an unseen abyss. He witnesses his life descending at an alarming rate. He catches the golden thread he is now whizzing past.
With a multiplying frequency Christians are assailed. The spirit of the antichrist gains momentum.
The good Lord would say to any who love Him in both spirit and in truth: Do not permit regret to rule your future, take this stronghold captive and imprison it...
"For over a year now and for some time before this, God spoke to me very clearly about the stillness and silence. And the secret place.
Eagles are the undisputed warriors of the heavens, the veterans and victors of the skies. Their wing's payloads are both the graces and judgements of God.
And the Lord said: I will gather the lame and love the lost. My name will be on their foreheads.
I was just wondering, is the Lord cutting down church activity in preparation for revival? Is He taking unnecessary activities away to: a) relieve pressure on the leadership, and b) make space for...
To All Those Who Don't Meet This World's Standards: God is not bound by human reason.
Recently I had a very brief exchange with a lady who wanted a Word from God.
A parable for the devout and the inattentive alike: Dawn had just broken, yet the early morning cool stubbornly refused to lift.
Moses climbed Mt Sinai, Elijah climbed Mt Carmel, Jesus climbed the Mount of Transfiguration.
The stirring of faith is the mixing of my soul with those more earnest and faithfully stubborn than I. British born Leonard Ravenhill (1907-1994) was such a man.
Life letting you down? Maybe your days are throttled by the worry and fears of tomorrow? Are your paths unclear, with many differing voices that conflict? So much conspires.
I saw a large number of people trapped by a cave-in. In an instant total darkness fell upon the cave. Some were injured.
The Lord would speak to those who have tears that flow as a waterfall: I have this to say to you, your tears are more precious than much fine gold to...
If ever there is an archetypal prophet, an enigma to the common mind, a man given to a roller-coaster faith - it must be Elijah.
Camel hair clothing is far more dignified these days, while locust and wild honey diets are beyond rare.
Elijah warred and then won THE victory of history against the false prophets of Baal and Asherah.
Does not the Lord first reveal His intentions to His prophets, to those who call for repentance and sow to encouragement? Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the...
What is the foundation of the reformed modern Christian church? Is it not knowledge with the cornerstone of academic degrees; self-feted by the legalism of a proud correctness.
Could these words from Heaven be just for you? To the unseen sufferer, the unheard victim or the not vindicated. . . To the weary and the wounded. .
Could these following affirmations just be droplets from heaven? Maybe they are the true drip of Divine reality, YES - to the souls so caught up in what is highly valued...
And the Lord spoke to me: To those distracted or disabled, the fearful or the faithful I have this to say to you - no year, no breath, no relationship, no...
The love-filled Father from heaven says: today My grace and goodness is your common resource. My intervention is not a rare occurrence in your life, beloved.
There is a secret to spiritual survival in an erupting world; it is for all who would steadfastly confess the Christ.
#This pristine '53 Polo White Chevy Corvette now changes down a gear and slips ahead of you.
Has the good Lord hidden you in the cleft of a rock, is sand still grinding your shoes as you trudge through a desert or does He still have you...
Hear what the Lord would say to the many who wander in remote regions of the soul: You are trying to turn a corner in sadness and travel a roadway, there...
Capture in your mind's eye if you will; could you even imagine driving your local freeway and an early model (unmodified - 1953) pristine Polo White Corvette eases alongside in...
Endearing himself to recalcitrant Judah the 6th century prophet Joel (amidst a crisis of divine judgement) spoke to God's proud and wilful nation.
Gethsemane was the crucible of Jesus' self-crucifixion. There is little death to self without first falling to earth amidst the soul's unshared travail.
God saw the needs of His own today, well before they ever lived in today. He has spoken accordingly.
The Highway of Holiness is trod by the weak and walked by the feeble. The proud, the strong and the self-made know not of its existence.
Soul Snack 228/14 . . . Shepherds gather sheep. They search for the lost, bind up the wounded and heal the sick.
Soul Snack 202/14 . . . Gathered around the Throne of Grace are ragamuffins, vagabonds and ne'er-do-wells.
Soul Snack 201/14 . . . God seeks outcasts and the abandoned; those for whom nobody cares.
Soul Snack 193/14 . . . Christians are all apprentices in the arms of the Lord.
Soul Snack 192/14 . . . All that glitters is not gold, and all that is unseen is not dross.
Soul Snack 191/14 . . . The princes of Israel are the servants of God's people; they are to willingly care as shepherds of His flock.
Soul Snack 123/14 . . . Did Adam listen? God planted two trees at Eden's center prior to placing Adam amongst them.
Soul Snack 81/13 . . . Terminating Sleep Within innumerable households each morning, all round the world, alarm clocks herald the start of another day.
Soul Snack 80/13 . . . Beating Armageddon And Heaven warned. . . The earth will soon be shaken.
Soul Snack 78/13 . . . Thy Kingdom Come I saw a man dressed in white; a human man now dead but alive again, full of longing.
Soul Snack 209/12 . . . Abe's call to America A president calls to his nation without restraint. On October 3rd 1863 Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day.
Soul Snack 200/12 . . . Heaven Hollers Damocles lived under a suspended sword, so too this earth.
Soul Snack 166/12 . . . Tears of The Crown# There is wisdom to understanding the seasons. As Islam marches God comes.
Soul Snack 115/12 . . . An Eagle's Swoop Eagles are the undisputed warriors and veterans of the skies. Upon their wings are the graces and judgements of God.
Soul Snack 9/12 . . . Zion Returned And the Lord said to me: The Lord still roars from Zion. The Lord still reigns in power.
Soul Snack 92/12 . . . Awakening Goliath Dormant, resting and unseen there is a goliath secreted in the souls of the righteous.
Soul Snack 90/12 . . . Living Waters And the Lord said to me: Streams of living waters are flowing within ravines, around rock faces and across rock shelves.