Time is insecure


Time is insecure, but it is assured that 'God will bring the arrow of history to its bull's-eye'. (Robert Farrar Capon) 

Consider one parable that particularly piques my interest, The Parable of the Ten Virgins. Preparedness for Jesus is the motif, thus faith must stay fueled.

Until Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden both communed with God. There was no faith. Faith was not the way of life.

Until man lost Eden he SAW God. Since this tragedy of eternal proportions God is apprehended by faith. Mankind no longer dwells with God.

...think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has distributed to each of you. (Romans 12:3b)

Faith has been apportioned to each us. This accounts why we open the Bible, say our prayers, attend church and do deeds of righteousness. These are the fuel for faith. (This is developed in Matthew 25:13-46 & James 2:14-16)

Faith is certainty in the unseen, the confidence to step out of a storm-troubled boat without any visible means of support.

So, to return to the Ten Virgins who epitomize faith full and faith empty believers. Faith waits 'blindly' for Jesus' unannounced return, but not all believers are ready for what will be the 'apocalyptic' surprise of His re-appearance. It is prepared faith, fueled faith Jesus expects. 

The Last Word:

Jesus first ascent guaranteed His second descent.