Time is insecure
Time is insecure, but it is assured that 'God will bring the arrow of history to its bull's-eye'.
Time is insecure, but it is assured that 'God will bring the arrow of history to its bull's-eye'.
The earth's unattended problem with sin awakes the heavens. As in the days of Noah so too today.
'Heavenly' is the true instruction of saints and sinners. To the saint this is an anointing.
Does He not see my ways and number all my steps? (Job 31:4) Whether the soul rests well or is riddled in distress, each man should be convinced that He who...
The unredeemed heart holds small hope of dividing wickedness from righteousness.
'Love' is not the stairway to heaven! Righteousness challenges and then removes the compulsion of sin. Its rule robs sin's passions, thus evil flees.
Ancient Ephesus held one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World. Ancient Ephesus was one of the 7 Letters to the Churches in Revelation.
While the future is unseen, it needs not be unknown. Life is full of 'T' intersections. There is always a choice in life.