
Shattering the Hourglass


SOUL SNACK 6/14 . . . Shattering the Hourglass A recalcitrant prophet railed against God around 680BC. The God of heaven fielded Habakkuk's complaints loudly mailed from earth.

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The Law of Reciprocity


Daily thundering through our lives is the bane of modern mans' existence - traffic! Traffic can variously be described as mayhem, menace or even malevolence.

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The Place of Favour - A


SOUL SNACK 66 . . . The Place of Favour -A The human spirit never sleeps. It is eternal. An everlasting spirit will remember very well. Nothing is forgotten.

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The Golden Rule


SOUL SNACK 136/13 . . . Has the distaste of harsh criticism anointed your days of trouble or pierced your soul? . . .

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The Winnning Will


SOUL SNACK 40 . . . The Winning Will “Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. May your good Spirit Lead me to level ground.

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