Painting my canvas!
Soul Snack 9/164 . . . Painting my canvas! Instantly joy poured out the eyes.
Soul Snack 9/164 . . . Painting my canvas! Instantly joy poured out the eyes.
Soul Snack 9/161 . . . A martyr's mind - A! "I am part of the fellowship of the unashamed. I have the Holy Spirit's power.
Soul Snack 9/161 . . . A martyr's mind - A! "I am part of the fellowship of the unashamed. I have the Holy Spirit's power.
Soul Snack 9/160 . . . Pure Love - E There is a chameleon like Old Testament prophecy - Zechariah! Judgment, justice and victory are spoken of by God.
Soul Snack 9/158 . . . Pure Love - C. An eternal heart of tenderness knitted me together.
Soul Snack 166/11 . . . Purposefully loved An eternal heart of tenderness knitted you together.