The reservoir becomes a river...
Soul Snack 47/10 . . . The Culinary Caveat The cool early morning sand smarted his toes.
Soul Snack 47/10 . . . The Culinary Caveat The cool early morning sand smarted his toes.
Soul Snack 46/10 . . . 'Don't leave home without it'! Wind the clock backwards a few days.
Soul Snack 44/10 . . . The Beckoning Breakfast Furiously licking around the twigs and other timbers were the creative flames of embers cooking fish.
Enjoy this brief look at easter from the prophet Isaiah about 700 years before Jesus was born. MAKING SENSE of EASTER
Soul Snack 43/10 . . . The Risen Life - C By my early teenage years I had learned the artful skill of 'swapping'.
Soul Snack 43/10 . . . The Risen Life - C By my early teenage years I had learned the artful skill of 'swapping'.