Oracles for a new century

Sages are men of an unusual wisdom, gifted and necessary oracles for their time. The Christian 'oracle' our Lord calls - prophets.
Sages are men of an unusual wisdom, gifted and necessary oracles for their time. The Christian 'oracle' our Lord calls - prophets.
Ii is my guess that you have seen a teenager's disheveled bedroom once or twice. Hmm . . .
. . . the Lord know how to rescue godly men from trials and to hold the unrighteous for the day of judgement . . .
I find I can't join the positive thinkers and stay always in the realms of roses and symphony orchestras.
A hermit possesses nothing save solitude and the presence of the Lord. He neither owns his cave nor even his breath.
There are three outstanding themes/competitors that mirror the facts of reality in the Bible: Babylon and Jerusalem the gardens of Eden and Gethsemane the only named trees in Eden, the Tree of Life...
From Wales to Washington, from Manila to Moldova Valentine's Day steals hearts and lights souls. Valentine's Day enters the calendar from the earliest Christian traditions.
Do not despise small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin. (Zechariah 4:10 NLT) Against a towering giant, a brook's pebble would seem futile.
The Ark of Noah was God's appointed vessel of salvation. "Mankind is in love with iniquity. " ~ A. W.
"Prophets are God's emergency men for crisis hours.