When guidance is opaque

I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my Heart... (Psalm 40:8)

Not sure of God's guidance even after much prayer? Waiting for a sign, but all you have is a sigh?

Just keep following Jesus. Keep trusting Him when guidance is not clear and He appears remote. Wash your hands of sin and set no vile things before your eyes. Be as the youth who has learnt to remember his creator before his days of trouble, before the sun refuses to rise. Obey Him before the clouds become dark and threaten to break open. Put your hope in Him, day in and day out. 

NOTE the changes that come upon you, nether lament or rejoice, for these mark out seasons, so number your days aright.

Put your hope in His safe unfailing love and His measuring tape of righteousness. He watches over all who love Him, and call on Him as Lord.

When the light flickers and the windows to tomorrow are opaque, remember - to the faithful He will show Himself faithful.#

The Last Word:

But, now Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in You. (Psalm 39:7)

#Today's SoulSnack draws on various verses from Psalms and Ecclesiastes.