When God Answers Us#

Our good God gives us the answers we need—not necessarily the ones we want. (See Job 42:1-16)

At the end of the book of Job, God grants His servant peace and more than restores his fortunes. We see that the Lord has been paying attention to him all along, even when the opposite seemed to be the case.

In Job’s questions, we witness the man’s faithfulness in turning to God with his doubts. But more than that, we see God’s faithfulness in answering those questions with His presence.

The story of Job raises an interesting question of its own: When we ask for God to answer us, are we content if He answers only with Himself?

It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing God hasn’t answered us unless we receive everything we’ve asked for. But Job’s example teaches us that how we respond when we feel ignored by God is the true test of our faith.

Whether the Lord directly answers our questions or not, what can we learn about His character?

Simply what Job learned:

“I know that You can do all things, and that no plan is impossible for You” (Job 42:2). This truth is reasserted by the angel Gabriel in Luke 1:37.

The Last Word:

God is never absent, never overwhelmed or powerless. Though we may lose sight of this truth, we must remember exactly where He is when we suffer: He is with us.#

Today's SoulSnack was written Dr Charles Stanley (1932 -2023)