When Beauty is Hidden#
Most of us are awkward at times in doing even our most loving deeds.
We must learn to be patient, therefore, with people's awkwardness and clumsiness towards us.
Their hearts may be gentler than their hands.
Do not misinterpret their actions, finding enmity where purest love is hidden; or indifference where affection is warmest; or slights where honor was meant.
Away with your petty suspicions!
Be patient - even with people's faults.
Let us train ourselves to find the best we can in every act of others, to believe the best always of people and their actions, and to find some beauty in everything. #
The Last Word:
Mercy triumphs over judgement. (James 2:13c)
#Penned by James Russell Miller (1840 - 1912) with light SoulSupply edits.