This boiling sea is deep

"We have spread so many ashes over the historical Jesus that we scarcely feel the glow of His presence anymore." ~ Brennan Manning

Faith calls the church to heel and trust, but knowledge commands the church to replace faith with reason. (Peter stepped over the gunwales of a boat in a roaring storm, reason would have kept him on board. He did not even enquire of the Lord how deep is this sea or how long will this storm last?)

Is not each Christian to live by faith and not by sight?

Most Christian denominations are yet to realise they are either in their falls or their winters; the springs and summers are long gone. Another half-century and none but the most wealthy will exist. Buoyed under the weight of their massive real estate portfolios they will splash and limp on.

Sheep still flee, many are lost. These are no more searched for than the new lambs are gathered.

Knowledge suppresses faith, and thus blurs tomorrow's spiritual vision.

Who enquires of the Lord 'how can I get behind Your work'? But rather prays 'please God get behind my work for You'? 

Live by faith and not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7)

The Last Word:

Faith that steps over gunwales, faith that doesn't ask 'how deep is the water', faith that disregards storms, faith that carries thorns in the flesh, and faith that weeps blood in Gethsemane is how Jesus operates.