The sweet fruit of sin!

Soul Snack 9/142 ... Eating forever!

The pleasant shade, the verdant foliage and the perfect canopy all conspired to numb resistance and just forget! After all it is Eden - the very place where God walks.

As Adam tentatively bit into the proferred fruit, his mind still echoed with '..did God really say?'

The successful serpent had already slithered away. Work done, he had no need to survey the results - he already knew them!

The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil produced very sweet fruit. Adam savoured the sweetness, naively ignorant to the very soon to be released bitterness. The sweetness quickly lost but the bitterness would permanently remain. Heaven had been lost and hell had been gained!

An unblemished Adam and Eve immediately carried the stain of sin. (Gen 3:7)

Adam had been given the Tree of Life for all the food (knowledge) he would ever need. (Gen 2:15-17) He chose against it.

Still there remains two trees we can eat of, but only one gives life, only one is in heaven - eat the truth and eat to live!

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Jn 14:6

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