The Miracle of Absolute Truth
The 'artist', or should I say the 'skilled', need to unlearn what they have learned. Migrate in your mind backwards, roll your thoughts to your long passed eyes of innocence, when no doubt was known.
YES - there exists absolute truth. It is apprehended best by children. Children don't attempt to examine the mind of God, let alone claim mankind's reason defeats faith.
Those who deny absolute truth speak of things they do not understand, they obscure God's counsel without true knowledge.
... I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 18:30)
The tracks of life require a map, a wise guide. Such is the Bible. It flows in wisdom, and wisdom flows from it.
Both King David and his son King Solomon wrote much of the Old Testament wisdom literature. They have taught navigation of life's tracks to the righteous and the unrighteous alike for 3000 years.
The wise do not sit in the counsel of the wicked or travel upon such paths. They know to avoid the roads of sinners, or to join with those who mock. The wise are not led astray. They are cautious in choosing friends and sober in their judgements. (Psalm 1:1, Proverbs 12:26)
Jesus adds to, and then multiplies all the wisdom of the Old Testament. In the New Testament He advises further into the paths of faith, for that is how the righteous shall live. This is the role of His Holy Spirit of Truth.
The miracle of absolute truth is arrested by a simple child, but it is almost impossible to complex adults.
... when the Holy Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth ... (John 16:13a)