The Holy Spirit is moving

Soul Snack 16/10 ... The Wind of Righteousness


There is a wind of righteousness about to sweep across God's people and amongst those who would submit to His rule.


This righteousness is not based on man-made structures or found in mausoleums of worship. It is absent from the proud.


The desperate desire of His Holy Spirit - the Spirit of Truth - is that goodness, mercy and justice may prevail among all His people here on earth.


The desperate desire of His Holy Spirit - the Spirit of Truth - is that His people will taste heaven on earth. To each there will be given a place of well-being, a place for healing, protection and a place of safety.


He sees many Christian people so exposed and vulnerable being devoured by other Christians.


He sees the assailed who needs an advocate.


He sees the infant that needs a parent.


He sees no hope without righteousness.


THe Holy Spirit of Truth is the same spirit of Elijah who will turn father's hearts to their children and seek the wisdom of the righteous.

The father of absence and the father of distance is to be no more. The next generation is to be more righteous than the previous one. Families are for the generational transmission of righteousness. Righteousness is to be multipled through the famiy and wickedness no more.


The Spirit of Truth is preparing a family for the Lord. Yet His righteousness cannot be contained by the operations of men, the structures of their systems and their personal ambitions. His righteousness is to be released and to flow.


His righteousness already circumvents church leaders, honors the pew dwellers and is found outside the stone steps.


The heart that seeks good will become a good heart. 


The heart of ambition, self-protection and pride will be destroyed.


His Spirit of Truth will penetrate the heart, examine the intentions of the mind and plead for a place of righteousness to reside.


!9th January 2010 ... Lk 1:17/Jn 1:14


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