The flesh is too bossy.

Soul Snack 171/10 ... Whispers of Love

Spirituality is the process of life lived with the vision of faith.

Carnality is the process of life lived with the vision of flesh.

Even as years multiply and birthdays accumulate the clash of faith and flesh endures.

The observances of my soul so dearly desire to quench the demands of my flesh, yet my flesh reciprocates with an even greater fury. The polluted breath of my body is expelled into the purified breath of my spirit that it still seeks to master.

The would-be master of me commands so loudly, while the servant me only whispers.

The Spirit of Christ, now living with my spirit in my body, gently invites mastery while my flesh bosses it.

The vision of faith is to succour my soul, the vision of flesh is to destroy my soul.

O that the din within will no longer defeat the whispers of love from without.

Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it. (Roms 7:20)

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