The Daring of the Soul
Faith is the daring of the soul to go farther than it can see. ~ anon
Reason finds the daring of faith outrageous.
Reason criticizes faith so that it won't dare.
Reason competes with faith so that it will become weary and shrink.
Reason condemns faith as wild and ill-judged. It has since Eden.
The rule of faith remains notably true and inconvenient to reason until faith passes away. (NB - At the return of Jesus our faith becomes sight.)
- steers a man's way below the dark and threatening clouds...
- lifts a man's distress above his uncertainties and the vagaries that attempt to sift him...
- carries a man forward amidst his dogged hardships to transport him safely home...
- is the compass that set's a man's sail...
... for life upon earth is exactly and only - living by faith and not by sight.
The day awaits when Jesus returns and finally reason will agree that faith was right all the time. You will not be disappointed.
Today's Soul Snippet:
'As with Esau, impulse is the invitation to foolishness.'
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