The 'Burden' upon the Christian Church
Maybe God quietly changed (He never takes consultation) and learned to love the sin in the sinner?
Rev Gene Robinson 'came out' in 1986 and met his partner Mark Andrew in 1987. July 2, 1988 they moved in together. This relationship was blessed by their Bishop. Immersed in ceremony, pomp and vanity 2003 saw Rev. Gene Robinson become the Episcopalian Bishop of New Hampshire, the first openly homosexual elected as Bishop by the Episcopalian church.
When does Christ's Body, His Bride stand alone?
Rights and not righteousness screams. Yet, the Groom still stands unseen on countless sand-stone steps each Sunday morning. Unnoticed, tears form and fall across both cheeks, His church does not call Him in.
The 'burden' upon the Christian Church is to be the alternative to the world and not agreeable with the world. It is for those seeking truth and not a deeper darkness.
"Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God". (John 3:3)
Nearly a century ago, that shining prophet of the 20th century A.W. Tozer preached from his Chicago pulpit:
The world we inhabit is a lost world.
It is a sick, fallen planet upon which we ride
the trappings and paraphernalia and outward dressings of Christianity are unnecessary - we could get along nicely without them... it is the putting of a new man in the old man's place, and we are born anew.
Never while the stars burn in their silence can it be said that God loves the sin in the sinner.
It is truth that sets a soul free, and the Christian church is to become the New Ark, the only place of true rescue.
Today's SoulSnack is the 1st in a new Monday only 5 part series, The New Ark: