The 2nd Ark of Salvation##
... the Lord know how to rescue godly men from trials and to hold the unrighteous for the day of judgement ... this is especially true of all those who follow the corrupt desires of the sinful nature ... (2 Peter 2:9-10)
Today the world moves higher on a massively rising tide of wickedness, soon to crash. The Christian church is cancelled or is strongly invited to rise upon this tide, but it is in clear virtue and sound doctrine that His church only conforms to the glorious Gospel.
There are now two Arks. One is 'hidden' to this day upon Mt. Ararat, the other still floats well, and is not hidden from all who would see. The second is much newer than the first.
Arks are the Divine rescue capsule for the times of God's judgement. They are God's means to escape an impossible situation. Remember Babylon and God's assessment of it, Babylon cannot be healed! The Apocalypse draws relentlessly.
Existing now is a dire need to climb the gangplanks onto the 2nd Ark. They then remain under its 'canopy' and stay there. Just, staying there. It is where storms are weathered, floods subside and fires don't reach.
An utter recklessness concerning mans' opinion and other consequences is the only attitude that can meet the needs of the present times. ~ Frank Bartleman
Today the tremors of wickedness are expanding as waves rise ever higher into a tsunami. These tremors impact the globe, as the water from within the earth rose under the first ark.
That ark and the new Ark are lifted by their times.
Mankind trades his soul to the lowest bidder, only ever multiplying grief to the highest Bidder. As with Esau, he thinks his choice is better, not alert to the second state becoming far worse than the first. He partners with the disobedient. Men lead unexamined lives for they refuse the testing of Scripture.
##Today's SoulSnack is the 4th in a 5 part series "The New Ark."