The 10 Ways of Righteousness


Enter the search for heaven's rule and foundations, you will surely discover 'righteousness'. This upright of heart will pursue.

  1. Righteousness is intentional, it is a discipline of self.
  2. Where righteousness is the standard of the heart sin will lose its compulsion.
  3. Righteousness is without prejudice. It chooses for another's benefit regardless of cost to itself. (NOTE: Jesus in Gethsemane)
  4. Judgement Day is how all men will learn righteousness, for justice and righteousness are divine bed partners.
  5. The problem of sin is not merely the desire to do it, but the human inability to divide good from evil. Men are not acquainted with the teaching on righteousness.
  6. The rule of righteousness first flowed in the Garden of Gethsemane. This must be grasped if a man is to understand where true honor lies and where shame appears. The rule of righteousness measures the fool, recognises the scoundrel and discerns the noble. The righteous do not sit in the counsel of the wicked. And, the righteous shall still bear fruit in old age.
  7. The absence of peace indicates the presence of unrighteousness. And, the presence of righteousness dispels the presence of restlessness.
  8. Pride is the enemy of righteousness. The stubborn-hearted are from righteousness, while the humble are drawn closer to Heaven.
  9. Righteousness is to have a voice, just as a light is not to be hidden under a bushel. The voice of righteousness ushers the Christian forward in the good fight, it equips them to stand strong. This is a keeping of the faith.

10) The mature follower of Jesus confidently shouts from many mountaintops:

the Lord is MY righteousness. (Jeremiah23:6)

Today's Soul Snippet:

'A rumor is as about as hard to unspread as butter.' ~ anon