The Calls of Scripture

If we admit to our busyness it is likely that juggling today outlives planning for tomorrow. Weariness sets in. Those who love Jesus' appearing are planning for That Day.
If we admit to our busyness it is likely that juggling today outlives planning for tomorrow. Weariness sets in. Those who love Jesus' appearing are planning for That Day.
Imagine a time without Christmas. Imagine a world without forgiveness.
The Bible will not fail you, nor will it lead you into error. The following three verses cast the brightest beams or the blackest shadows across all men. .
'You gave me life and showed me kindness, and in Your care You watched over my life'. (Job 10:12) Discipline is easy for me to swallow. Logical to assimilate.
When the unpalatable is served on your plate, don't despise such food. Rather, rejoice in the love of He who called you in righteousness.
Lot's wife chanced a glance backwards as the family fled Sodom's destruction. She disobeyed the Lord's instruction, and became a pillar of salt.
As this week ends I am reminded of the good Lord’s eternal faithfulness and righteousness. He is seated upon a throne supported by the legs of righteousness and justice.