The Springtime of Renewal

Daily there continues a Divine invitation to His presence, it is how the Chief Shepherd gathers His lambs to His heart.
Daily there continues a Divine invitation to His presence, it is how the Chief Shepherd gathers His lambs to His heart.
If you want to make God laugh - tell Him about your plans.
Prayer pulls the rope below and the great bell rings above in the ears of God.
Never doubt in the darkness what God has shown you in the light. ~ Neil Anderson Loving Father, Help me to fight the good fight.
Virtues and truths that would approach the throne of Grace can be rendered lukewarm by compromise from the deceitful man within. Bend the knee to only Me.
There is a God who remains the same, and whose years never end (Psalm 102:27) Needles and vaccine to 7,886,738,769 people is an unprecedented endeavor in mankind's history.
I have long admired prayer warriors - those who I know who can be relied on to pray so regularly.
A mother's children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.
King David the valiant - this bear, lion and giant slayer lived a life of war. He knew how to pray.