Why Good Friday?

That first Good Friday silenced the Father. How broken was He? The Bible does not explain.
That first Good Friday silenced the Father. How broken was He? The Bible does not explain.
God has set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
Proudly satan boasts, no one believes in me anymore! The world and almost all who dwell in it, with a hitherto unknown desperation need to become alert to satan’s wiles.
Heaven is the country of the soul. ~ AugustineMen have accused other men of being too heavenly minded to be of any earthly use.
An unknown man falls into an unseen abyss. His life descends at an alarming rate. He catches a hanging golden thread he is whizzing past.
Pursue righteousness, flee the love of money. Lay firm hold of the eternal, and jettison the temporal from the mind.