Tag: #faith
ONLY BELIEVE! ~ George Muller

Where Faith begins, anxiety ends. Where anxiety begins, Faith ends. Ponder these words of the Lord Jesus, "Only believe.
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The Journey of Grace Upon Earth

Faith lives. Faith, like a muscle, grows by stretching. ~ A. W. Tozer It is a spiritual organism, much the same as physical organisms. Faith feels.
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3 Reasons why you can't contain God

Mankind denies God, abuses God and even attempts to replace Him with a myriad of false gods - mere deceiving demons who are feeble pretenders to gain the worship that...
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Fear Ends Where Faith Begins ~ A#

It is far too easy to find the reason to not do things, than to do things. There are two futures ahead for all of us.
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Isaiah Eases the Mind

Around 742BC the Lord commissioned Isaiah (the son of Amoz) to prophesy to His people in ancient Judah.
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Washington & Tozer

Tozer always remained strident upon the subjects of virtue and honor. Here he too explained how George Washington lived as a purifying 'yeast'.
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Of Rainbows & Dust

Wide and young eyes gazed into a new distance full of wonder. As he marveled his eyes 'grew'. Unaccustomed to the expanse before his eyes, they became somewhat transfixed.
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The Undoing of Scientists#

We have sophisticated scientists today who make sober statements declaring that the whole universe was created by chance.
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Let Every Mercy Come#

The cross of Jesus is the foundation of the glory of the saints. Calvary is the birth-place for saints in heaven. Salvation was born in Bethlehem's manger.