After the Cross

Old habits die hard. The road of return is easy. Peter was departing his call and returning to his old ways as a fisherman for fish.
Old habits die hard. The road of return is easy. Peter was departing his call and returning to his old ways as a fisherman for fish.
The infinite depth of Jesus' righteousness is fully revealed in His cry - forgive them Father for they know not what they do As I tap away, worldwide it is reported...
An already heaving Messiah wept in Gethsemane. It was just one night prior to His crucifixion.
Is Christianity just a decoration, or is there reality back of it? ~ A. W.
Jesus didn’t die a painful and bloody death on the cross to save sinful flesh, but to become sinful flesh.
A dark Muslim stronghold will soon welcome a bold, young Christian family to serve the Lord of Eternal Life - for they have considered their life not their own.