Strong in Faith ~ SPURGEON
No unbelief made Abraham waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God. (Romans 4:20)
Are you in trouble?
Are you beaten about by the enemy?
Are you fearful about your tomorrow, because your yesterday was so poor?
You can obtain help for troubles by faith.
Faith links you with Divinity.
Faith clothes you with the power of God.
Faith engages on your side the omnipotence of Jehovah.
Faith ensures every attribute of God in your defense. It helps you defy the hosts of hell. It makes you march triumphant over the necks of your enemies.
But without faith how can you receive anything of the Lord?
Let not him that wavers, who is like a wave of the sea expect that he will receive anything of God!
O, then, Christian, watch well your faith; for with it as your engine you can win all things, but without it you cannot obtain anything.
It is faith that lifts-up a believer, for they know the giant in front of them is not greater/stronger/smarter than the God who stands behind them.
#today's SoulSnack is reproduced and heavily edited from Charles Spurgeon's original text "Strong in Faith"