Storming the Soul
Soul Snack 51/14 ... The soul is stormed, a tempest is multiplied and Heaven is assailed when moaning is the lubricant of speech, oil to each day.
The brother who complains is but the continuing frail son of Israel.
Who receives the most destruction, those who do the complaining, or those who receive it.?
The storm comes - men complain. The heat comes - men complain. The rains rise as floods - men complain. Food spoils in the field from drought - men complain. Desire is dashed - men complain. Wonders are given - men complain. Position is attained - men complain.
Patience, love, understanding and faith are elusive to those whose habit is to groan. Grace and mercy are rarely served at their table.
Complaining is the absence of proper endurance. It is crushing evidence to a cooling heart.
Complaints reach the ears of the Lord and surely weary Him. Unwillingness to receive with thanks is observed. He is always Lord! He has provided all that is necessary. The Lord has refused to leave even a sparrow unattended. Yet thanks is not first in many a heart. What shall He give to inspire thanks? Perhaps He could offer His Son up to death?
As a dog returns to its vomit or a sow returns to the mud, the dancers of complaints will surely celebrate yet again?
The love of dissatisfaction and complaint will rot against their practitioners.
Yes - bruising will rise red, it is a hematoma to the spirit of each recipient BUT to the persistent complainer it is death to the soul.#
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things. (Philippians 4:8)
Today's Soul Snippet:
"Wherever you are, never seek to have your own opinion prevail or your word influential. So you may find peace." ~ anon
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#Today's SoulSnack is reproduced and slightly emended with gracious permission from its author Paul Horton