Stirred towards Mercy
Mercy is the door a man opens to his enemy, still knowing he need not, still knowing he continues safe from his enemy, and most notable of all - that he gains precious little.
Mercy is the lubricant of forgiveness, an anointing of unmerited kindness.
Mercy is an armistice of light within many a war-hardened bedrock of dark hearts.
Mercy is not receiving punishment that is deserved. Giving mercy is always harder than receiving it. Yet, it is a Christ-like heart when mercy triumphs over judgement.
Six reflections that present mercy as a virtue for the giver, as well as a gift for the beneficiary:
- Mercy in the giving is as the apple in the seed. ~ William Gurnall
- Mercy in us is a sign of our interest in God's mercy. ~ Thomas Manton
- The merciful falls into the arms of mercy. ~ J. P. Lange
- If we refuse mercy here, we shall have justice in eternity. ~ Jeremy Taylor
- If God should have no more mercy upon us than we have charity to another, what would become of us? ~ Thomas Fuller
- Mercy is without price and beyond price. ~ Anon
But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. (Ephesians 2:4-5)
The choice remains to be rich in mercy, for what is gained from its poverty while much can be lost?
Today's Soul Snippet:
'Philosophy is the search for truth. In Jesus, the search ends.' ~ anon.
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