Spelling Grace

Soul Snack 9/129 ... Spelling G.R.A.C.E.!

There is a sensible and delightful young lady named Grace. Her heart is strong, her eyes are kind and she radiates faith. Grace unwittingly carries her name very well.

Grace - the quality - can be as hard to find as a person who reflects the name.

Unmerited kindness is only unusually received and equally rarely given!

The assertion of rights and the timbre of self-will hinder grace arising and that unique kindness being released.

Yet still today nail-pierced and hollow hands, bellows of forgiveness and a spear torn side spell GRACE!

The next time I am cross, GRACE should spell - T.H.E. C.R.O.S.S.!

From the fullness of Jesus grace we have all received one blessing after another. Jn 1:16

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