Deceit, Doubt & Decisiveness

Soul Snack 8/103 .. Deceit, Doubt & Decisiveness

A decisive belief is a blessing to behold.

In a silence that seduces, deceptive whispers arrive almost imperceptively .

A war torn middle east, an impoverished Africa, and a natural disaster ridden Asia conspire, that I may hear and accept this whisper.

A weak God, a disinterested God, a remote God, an unkind God and an impotent God, are the fertile soils for faith-robbing doubt. A deceit which has that eternal scent of burning sulphur.

Surely this is a world, indeed universe, where God does not reign? So, the gnaw continues!

The LORD reigns, he is robed in majesty;
the LORD is robed in majesty
and is armed with strength.
The world is firmly established;
it cannot be moved. Psalm 93:1

God has already acted to dispel this deceit. He shouts with a clarion call,and explains without ambiguity His activity and ability.

As sure as the sun will rise tomorrow is this timeless fact of God's rule. This rising sun screams a dependable God.

When doubts assail today, flee them, so that you can live with Him and for Him tomorrow.

A decisive belief is a thing to seek.

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