Light Love
Soul Snack 9/90 ... Light Love
Is it true that a man may understand God better than he does himself?
This curious proposition does have some Biblical merit.
Paradoxically a man may well see God's grace, sense the Saviour and even live for the Lord, but still hold to the proud position of his inherent goodness. And amazingly he can persist with such a contradiction in life.
Sinfulness is truly astounding in its capacity to deceive. Were it not for the beaming light of His love penetrating the soul, the deep darkness of sin would remain and be totally unobserved.
I can feel His touch but still reach for my own release.
I can hear the still small voice and wantonly shout it down.
I can taste His heaven and still choose my earth.
The darkness of my sin is only exceeded by the light of His love.
"O Lord, may I not be wise in my eyes today, congratulating myself on my goodness and wisdom. Please remove from me this day, the self caressing of my soul and replace it with the light love of your righteous life. Amen."
The heart is deceitful above all things
and beyond cure.
Who can understand it? (Jer 17:9)
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