Sin Strives
Soul Snack 8/223 ... Sin Strives
Sin knows no satisfaction nor gives any. It is THE most unkind and voracious taskmaster.
It is as thirsty as the grave and as relentless as dark following light.
Sin seeks to be my master and displace my saviour. (Gen 4:7) Sin still seeks to retrieve my soul. Sin seeks continually to rob both me and Christ. Its heart is to rob us of each other. When I sin, Christ too has been robbed from enjoying His relationship with me. His Holy Spirit in me is grieved.(Eph 4:30)
In fact the Holy Spirit of Christ dwells in me and travels with me, even into sin. How sad is He when I place Him in a position of evil as He is perfectly holy! In fact my sin takes Him to the very place He never wants to be.
Sin had me, sin still strives for me now.
The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armour of light. Romans 13:12
I must fight sin with the armour of light, resisting darkness. He is my weapon, my shield and my canopy. He is all I need.
My saviour owns me, I never want to sow to sin again.