Release - B
Soul Snack 160/10 ... Release - B
I feel sure that I am not alone. Pursuing my intentions has littered my paths with both good and evil.
Too often, the evil seems to be more frequent than the good. Too often, the foolishness appears to rule wisdom. Too often, lethargy appears to rule diligence ... and so this list could go on.
Yet while my past continues to chide, God's future wants to create.
God replaces the old with the new.
God replaces the sick with the healthy.
God replaces the gloomy with the bright.
God replaces the heavy with the light.
God has never desired to injure, nor found joy in condemnation.
His intentions are always to create delight and to gift joy.
He desires to heal and not hurt.
Finally, life can become about releasing me and taking hold of Him. My poor past He will always generously replace with His perfect future.