The Small only enjoys the Big

Soul Snack 168/10 ... The Small only enjoys the Big

His pure faithfulness is the secure foundation of His firmanent.

... nor will I ever betray my faithfulness. (Ps 89:33b)

God simply has no ability to betray His word, dismiss His promises, or weaken His resolutions.

Who can engender fear into the heart of God, prove His decisions wrong or ever correct Him?

God's complete inability to betray Himself is a shield to His promises and a roof to His love.

God is no more vulnerable to being deceived than He is capable of deceiving.

What God establishes will rise, what He crashes will collapse. God's activity can never be impeded or prevented.

He is not swayed by avarice nor aggrandisement, nor is He fickle or foolish.

Yet, this God who is far too big for my small mind and far too deep for my shallow soul can still fit inside me. I am actually His chosen dwelling place.

This universe cannot act on God, nor is it sufficient to contain Him, but I can! However, first I must be small enough to invite Him in.

"I live in a high and holy place,
but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit," (Is 57:15b)


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