The hands of Heaven
Soul Snack 9/155 ... The hands of Heaven
The junior assistant was keen to please. Her fresh face shone towards customers, her hazel eyes welcomed. She was very well received.
Punctuality was her code and honesty her lifestyle. Her youthful ethics so thoroughly formed. Her employment was secure. Her future was strong. Happiness, her earth to hoe!
The faithfulness to her boss, merely a reflection of her devotion to her Master. She was accustomed to sitting at His feet. The boss of the universe delighted in her well before her boss on earth ever did.
No boss on earth would ever find a better trained employee.
She lived heaven's hands on earth because she had been engaged by heaven long before she had ever been employed by earth.
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Col 3:17